For Them Both

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In this place and time,
who would be there for them to tell?
To tell about all the running in the rain
hand in hand, collecting stares
as they went.
Not about the fact that they didn't care about them. Or the pouring skies.
But 'cause the seemed
"Closer than they should be ".

Someone to tell about the warm,
The warmth they felt when she looked at them,
concerned about the wet hair and skin,
A warmth that could make the heavens
stop crying tears of rain,
And the clouds in their mind go away

Someone who can trust with their silly
yet priceless conversations, back at that small dinner, as she awaited for a clear sky, while lost in their eyes.
A sky that they can walk under without being ashamed.

And who could they possibly tell about,
her smile when walked near that girl,
at that playground, where they stayed,
about an hour, just talking,
one hugging another, wishing,
they stay like that forever.
Forever starting their previous lifes.

That one person they could tell about the station

Where peck after peck, against that wall, she lifted them up,
surrendering in their hands at the same time.
About the kisses they landed on her jawline as payback for the kiss marks on their neck.

Someone else to know about the reinsurance of never leaving her.
Not leaving her no matter how mean
the world dared to be on two girls.

And if there is no one for her to tell,
Then I'll scream it to the world.

For them both

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