We're Actually Doing This

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The day had finally come... graduation.  The girls had congregated at the Hastings' house after the ceremony to take pictures and enjoy a joint party with their families.  Alison couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that her and Emily were going to go separate ways and it broke her heart to think about not being with Emily everyday.  She made her way outside to get some air and calm herself down when she felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around her waist.

Alison's POV

I can't stop thinking about whether or not Emily and I will be in the same city after the summer.  She still hasn't told me what she decided and it's starting to make my stomach flip.  I'm caught up in my thoughts when I feel those strong familiar arms wrap around my waist and that voice that could calm me down in any situation, "hey... what are you doing out here by yourself?"  I take a breath and turn around in her arms, placing mine around her neck, "I just needed a minute.  I never thought that we would all actually make it to graduation, it's just a lot to take in."  Emily runs her hands up and down my sides and looks into my eyes, reflecting worry, "yeah, I know the feeling.  But, we made it.  We managed to survive A and Rosewood High while still remaining as close as ever, nothing can tear the five of us apart.  Are you sure that's all that's bothering you?"  

Emily knows me better than anyone, no matter how hard I try I can't seem to hide anything from her.  Don't get me wrong, I hate hiding things from her or lying to her but in this situation I don't want her to know that I'm scared and risk influencing her choice.  I know that trying to hide from her though would only hurt both of us, "you still haven't told me which school you decided on," I say in almost a whisper.  She puts her finger under my chin to raise my eyes to meet hers, "is that what you're worried about?  Ali, no matter what I choose you and I will still be together.  But, I do know what school I'm choosing for the fall.  I wanted to tell everyone at once since I haven't even told my parents yet, do you think we can go back inside and I'll make my announcement?"  I can feel the tears forming in my eyes at the thought of her choosing Pepperdine but I nod my head anyway.  She pulls me closer to her and whispers in my ear, "it'll be ok Ali, I promise.  We'll be ok.  I love you."

Emily's POV

I take Ali's hand and lead her back into the house.  I've known what school I will be going to for a few weeks now but I wanted to wait for the right moment to let everyone know what my choice was.  I know Ali is nervous... so am I.  Ali is the love of my life and I know that I am going to be with her for the rest of my life, that will never change.  Whether we're at the same school or in different time zones, she will always be my person.  

When we reach Spencer's living room I clear my throat and raise my voice so that everyone can hear me, "excuse me everyone!  I have an announcement to make!"  I can see Ali's face change as everyone turns their attention towards me but I have to keep going.  

"I know that all of you have been wondering where I will be attending college in the fall, whether it will be Pepperdine or Danby.  I'll be honest, this was one of the hardest choices I have ever had to make but I know that I have made the right choice for me.  Mom... Dad... I know that I've kept both of you in the dark as well and I just wanted to thank both of you for being so patient with me.  I know that both Danby and Pepperdine have incredible swimming programs and that I would excel and grow at both universities.  I have no doubt that I would meet coaches and trainers at Pepperdine that would inspire and push me to new levels that I never thought I would reach."  I look over to Alison and I can see her heart breaking and tears spilling onto her cheeks, "but, I choose the person who inspires my heart."  I take Alison into my arms and she looks into my eyes like she still doesn't understand what I'm saying.  "I choose Danby... I choose you, Ali.  I weighed the pros and cons... yes Spencer, I took a page from your book," I look over to Spence and she raises her glass in my direction, "and there was no contest.  Ali you are the best thing in my life and I don't ever want to be that far away from you."  

I reach up and wipe the tears from her face and she finds her voice, "Em... I don't want to hold you back.  Pepperdine is a great school.  I don't ever want to keep you from following your dreams because we're afraid that we won't be able to handle the distance."  I shake my head and smile at her, "Ali, Danby is a great school.  The swimming program is one of the best in the country, I'm not missing out on anything by not going to Pepperdine.  All of my dreams would mean nothing if I didn't have you, you are the biggest part of my dreams... you are my dream."  

At this point everyone is crying, including me.  I look over to my parents and my dad is holding my mom, they both have tears in their eyes but they also look more proud than I have ever seen them.  Ali buries her head in the crook of my neck and I can't help but smile, "Ali, it's ok.  You just need to accept that you can't get rid of me that easy, you're stuck for life."  She brings her head up and looks into my eyes, "we're really going to Danby together?  You're sure?"  I nod my head and smile, "yes, Ali.  I've never been so sure in all of my life, I love you."  She smiles and closes the gap between us, forgetting that all of our families are around, "I love you too, Em.  We're actually doing this... we're going to college together."  She kisses me softly and my head becomes fuzzy.  

The next four years are going to be the best of our lives.  Granted, the five of us will be separated all over the country, but if we can make it through A, we can make it through anything. I have no doubt in my mind that Hanna, Aria, Spencer and Alison are going to be in my life forever;  at some point we stopped being friends and became family and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Flashforward- Labor Day Weekend

The girls have gathered in front of Ali's house to say their goodbye's as they head off to school.  Emily put the last of her's and Ali's luggage in her car while Spencer is teasing Aria, "you better not come back from Savannah talkin' like a southerner ya hear?"  The girls laugh and Aria has a comeback waiting, "yeah and you better not come back from UPenn talking like a politician."  The girls all smile and laugh at the fact that they all know Spencer is going to fit right in with becoming a lawyer. 

Emily's face changes and becomes uneasy as she makes an announcement, "I heard Paige got released today," all of the girls fall silent.  Alison looks at her girlfriend, trying to calm her down, "what happened to Paige wasn't our fault, Em."  Spencer speaks up, "I doubt that's how she sees it."  

The girls all look at each other as silence falls between them.  Aria tries to be the strong one, "guys... I can't believe we're actually leaving."  They all laugh and remember that they are no longer stuck in the halls of Rosewood High and that Paige will not be a threat.  Hanna tries to find a way to crack a joke but ends up being more sentimental than she planned, "wow, saying goodbye is a lot harder than I thought it would be."   The girls realize that this will be the last moment that they are all in the same place at once for a while.  They reach for each other and find comfort in tight hugs and happy tears that they had each other for so long.  Spencer feels the need to insert a quote to summarize how they are feeling, "how lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."  Emily smiles, "what brilliant scholar said that?"  Spencer laughs, "Winnie the Pooh."  The tension breaks as they all huddle together.  Emily takes Ali's hand, "you ok?"  She smiles, "yeah. I spent my whole life trying to get away from here but right now this is the only place I want to be... with you."  They realize that it's time to say goodbye and they all begin to hug and say their I love you's before they get in their cars and drive away.   The girls separate and take their last looks at each other.  Emily and Alison get into their car and Ali grabs Emily's hand, "you ready to start our new A-free life?"  Emily smiles, "you have no idea."

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