chapter forty five

Start from the beginning

She picked up on the first ring.

"What's up, babydoll?" She singsonged.

"How did you know it was me?" I asked.

"Caller ID, babes. What's up? You realize you need some girl time?"

"No, I-" My voice broke. "Something's wrong with Lex, Nova. He's being weird, and avoiding my questions, and he just hung up on me. I'm really worried."

There was silence on the other end of the line.
"Are you sure it's not just business stuff? He has a whole empire to run." Her voice was reassuring, but I could tell she was a little impatient. I tasted blood on my mouth, and I raised a hand to it. I had bitten through my lip.

"I'm sure. He's left me for work before, and he's never hung up on me before, ever." I felt my throat tighten. "I'm afraid he's doing something bad."

"Ruth." Nova sighed, and I could just picture her face. It was the face she gave me when I was worrying over something trivial-what to wear to school, a math quiz, whether I should make dinner for my parents or order in. It was her 'stop overthinking it' face, her 'you're being a dumb idiot, just go with your gut' face.

"You're right." I said. "Are you at school?"

"I was in math, but you called so I left. No one gives me trouble once I show who was calling." I imagined Nova smugly showing the principal that the personal residence of Lex Luthor had been calling her, and laughed.

"Sorry. I'll let you go. Thanks for stopping me from-"

"From being an insane girlfriend-sorry, fiancee? No problemo. Okay, I'm getting stinkeye from Sav. Call me soon."

There was a click. Sav was notoriously harsh on cell phone use. She'd taken mine and locked it for a whole day more than once, so I did not blame Nova one bit for rushing away. She had been helpful, with just one word. I would forever be grateful to Lex for bringing her back into my life.

I set the phone down on the desk, and stood, stretching. I needed to distract myself, keep myself busy and from spiralling. Usually, in stressful situations, I would nap, but the idea of laying down with nothing but my thoughts to entertain me was not at all appealing. Instead, I hit a button on a remote, and one of the bookcases slid back, revealing a tv. I had only used it once, but I had watched Lex set movies up before. It only took a second for me to hit play on The Road To El Dorado. I wanted something light, and engaging enough to keep me occupied until Lex came home, and I could confront him.

Well, maybe not confront, but certainly ask for some answers. I deserved that much. I hated being kept in the dark, even if it was for my own protection. Look where being clueless had left me last time; with a broken arm, drugged, and then kidnapped and drugged again for my efforts.

I dozed lightly while the movie played, and I must have drifted into a deeper sleep, because the next thing I remembered was watching the end credits for Lilo and Stitch, and the sun was going down. Somewhere below in the cavernous house, the front door slammed. I sat up, and shut off the tv. My joints protested loudly as I moved

"Ruth?" Lex called. I stepped into the hall, and leaned over the balcony railing, looking down over the foyer.

"I'm up here."

"Stay there." He said. He was in his work clothes, but he looked different somehow, like he'd hastily redressed. His eyes were bright as he bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

"Good evening." I said coolly. "Nice to see you, finally."

"You're not mad, are you, darling? I had so much to do, and-"

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