The Bucket List

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I open my bag to put my new text book in it. Homework on the first day of school? That's just wrong. I sigh as I think about how this is my fourth year here, and nothing has changed. I'm still invisible here, and I have nothing exciting in my life. I sigh again thinking about the bucket list I made two weeks ago for senior year, knowing I won't do it.

1. Get a new wardrobe, all new and daring outfits

2. Lose my V Card

3. Go skinny dipping with a trusted friend

4. Ride on a bike

5. Have someone like me

6. Walk out of class

7. Talk to the bad boy of the school

8. Go out of the country

9. Fall in love

10. Be loved back

It sounds crazy, even in my mind. The girl with the 4.5 GPA who never even got asked out can never do these things. She probably won't do these things.

As I'm thinking of how much of a loser I am, I crash into something. Well, someone.

And that someone happened to be Noah Peterson, the bad boy of the school.

Lemme know what you think! I know, I know it sounds cliché and a little boring, but bear with me. I have no experience with books, and I'll try to have the plot pick up soon.

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