13 Reasons Why RP

79 2 19

Sophia Wendy Peterson





Hailee Steinfield

•Faceclaim•Hailee Steinfield

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•Personality•Sophia is a very sweet and kind girl

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Sophia is a very sweet and kind girl. A lot of the time, she'll think of her friends first before herself. She is very adventurous and curious when it comes to doing things and wanting to know almost everything. Her curiosity can really get her into trouble sometimes though. She can be a little stubborn at times when she knows she's right and when she's really set on getting something. She's also kind of moody/emotional. She's been through something's so she has her small out breaks/moments. She's a very smart cookie and loves anything that has to do with reading or math, since she's really good at it she tends to enjoy it a lot. She is also a little sarcastic and maybe a little flirty, depending on who's it is she's dealing with. You only usually find these things out if you get close to her, which can be kind of hard considering some of the things she's been through. She can also hide her emotions very well so it may be hard to see what's going on.

Sophia is the youngest child in her family. She has an older brother named Landon, who was basically her best friend. They spend a lot of time together, now and when they were younger as well. He's a freshman in college but stays at home because of her. Well, one home. When Sophia was about nine, her parents got divorced. Her mom moved to New York while her dad stayed in California. She stayed with her Dad during the school year then went to her mothers for most of the summer. Her and her brother hated it, but knew they couldn't just leave their mother with not seeing them. Landon was Sophia's rock, her safe spot after this for about two years until she met some people at school that she felt like she could trust. Now that she is in High school, she doesn't really see or hear from her mother very often, but her dad and her brother are still very present in her life. When Hannah moved to their town, they both became really good friends. When Hannah became friends with Jessica and Alex, they started becoming a little distant, which it stayed like that for about a year until they have a little fight about how Sophia felt like her best friend had just dropped her. That's why she's on the tapes. After the fight, they were still good friends, but Hannah obviously didn't think to talk to her about everything that was going on, and Sophia obviously didn't see what was going on with Hannah and her life. When Hannah killed herself, that's when she became very distant with everyone and very quiet and a lot meaner. She was even very distant with her own brother, who really was her best friend. But he wasn't like Hannah, she couldn't talk to him about most things because he wouldn't understand.

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