Chapter 2

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"It might be safer to sneak into Hogwarts and stay the night rather than travel through the Forbidden For-"

"What is going on here?" A voice cut in as the illuminated tip of a wand was pointed at them.

"Hi, Dad." Lucy greeted with a slightly guilty smile. "What are you doing here?"

Severus' frown deepened. "Restocking the potion ingredient storage, and what are you three doing at Hogwarts, on a warm summer's night?"

"Renegotiation of the treaty between the Ministry of Magic and the Centaurs begin tomorrow." Edmund explained.

"Edmund and I are to act as ambassadors," Peter announced, expecting interference.

"And what of you?" Severus' gaze returned to Lucy.

"Peter and Edmund intend to take control of the Narnian settlement to some extent so their identities shall be revealed. However, my identity cannot come to light as of yet so my purpose will be that of a guide, not much more." Severus seemed to relax at Lucy's declaration, though only the most trained and experienced eye would notice, so of course, all three of the seemingly young adults noticed.

"Do you suppose we could stay in the castle for the night, please?" Lucy requested.

Noting the barely visible moon, Severus nodded. "Follow me."

Sorry that it's so short! :)

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