Peter doesn't say anything about it and smiles. "Chemistry is a fun subject."

Eloise shrugs. "If you're into that kind of stuff."

He looks at her quizzically. "What are you into?"

"I don't know," she answers, thinking. "I've always liked English classes. Writing is like, I don't know, how you can speak your mind in different styles and stuff. Everyone's mind is beautiful, and I think writing and words really shows off that beauty."

She stops rambling before she gets too deep and too confusing.

"Sorry for rambling," she laughs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I tend to do that sometimes."

Peter smiles. "No, it's insightful."

Her eyes dart to Peter's at the word. He looks away, clearing his throat and picking up a random comic.

"Anyways," He says quickly, "See you around."

He leaves towards the front desk where the librarian is without another word.

Eloise, hesitantly, walks back to Elena thinking, What a coincidence.

But, as she sits across from her friend, she can't help but wonder if it wasn't just a coincidence.


Her walk back home from school isn't as enjoyable as usual. The sky is gray and it's windy, and Eloise is only wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

She hugs herself as she trudges through the wind. As she's passing by Midtown she scans the campus for Ned and Peter.

Eloise stops in her tracks when she sees Flash, the rude guy that knocked her over the other day, pushing Peter around. Flash, Peter, and Ned are all standing out behind the new million dollar bleachers. Flash is shoving Peter and Ned's trying to intervene, but Flash spits words at him that make him falter.

Eloise doesn't think twice before making a bee-line for the boys, stepping off the sidewalk and speed-walking across the grass.

When she reaches the group, she hears Flash taunting Peter.

"Huh, Penis Parker? You gonna do something?"

He shoves Peter against the metal. Peter winces as his head hits the hard surface.

"Leave him alone."

Everyone's eyes snaps to Eloise. Peter and Ned look surprised. Flash just looks pissed and annoyed.

Flash pushes Peter to the side and he lands on his backside on the grass. He pushes himself up and stands, brushing himself off as Flash steps towards Eloise.

Flash looks at her with disgust. "What's a rodent from Park East doing here?"

"Don't call her a rodent," Ned fires back, only to have Flash flash him a glare.

"That's what all of those kids are who go there are," Flash says. He steps forward and gets in Eloise's face, much closer to the boy than what's comfortable. "They're just a bunch of dirty, mindless rodents."

Walking the Wire | PETER PARKER [1]Where stories live. Discover now