Chapter two

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It's been half a decade later. Mayla was able to recover and strengthen herself to come back to the castle she had once lived in. When she passed the gate, she saw a lady figure at the front garden. Mayla recognized the figure as her late lover, Kathleen Peak. Kathleen was a half breed. She has a gift of a human heart but the thirst and power of a vampire. She also has a gift of transformation. She can transform to anything, even the opposite sex. They met in a vampire bar, twenty years ago, and they fell in love as they drank pure blood wine. It was lots of parties and adventures. Their relationship came to end when Kathleen was to go back to her main home to take over the family business. Mayla have waited for so long and there was no word of Kathleen. Then she met Drew who was a great husband. Even if my mother was a great mother, she had a secret she kept from Drew. My mother was pregnant when Kathleen left. Drew wasn't my father. It was Kathleen. She was my other parent.

Kathleen seemed pleased to see Mayla. Mayla runs toward Kathleen and gives her a big long hug. They embraced each other and Mayla felt safe. She explained to Kathleen what had happened. Kathleen grabbed Mayla hand and lead her through the woods. They both ran and giggled as they played a little game of race. They were able to stop at a large cave. Kathleen insisted Mayla to step inside with a smile. They both head in and sees a giant door. Kathleen does a very odd knocks, as if it was music on the door and it opens. A large werewolf stepped out. Mayla was about to panic when Kathleen puts her hand on her shoulder with a giggle then greets the werewolf. "Hey, Richard. Its nice seeing you. This is Mayla. She is with me." Seeing that the scary wolf wasn't going to hurt her, Mayla calmed downed and followed Kathleen pass the door. There was a beautiful town within the cave. There were stalls that sold food, weapons, and more. Houses were on the walls of the cave. The ceiling had some holes that brings in light within the town. It was magical. Kathleen says, "Welcome to Bazar Town."

Suddenly, there was a loud howling from the giant door. The howling spread throughout the town, alerting everyone that there was danger. All the guards rushed to the front door as the others goes back into their homes. Kathleen and Mayla followed the guards. Once they reached outside of the cave, they saw how quickly the guards spread apart in teams to get in place for the confrontation. Kathleen and Mayla stand their ground with Richard in front of the cave. A small werewolf who is a scout rushes back from the woods. He informs the group that there are bounty hunters a few yards away.

Raymond tapped John back and pointed ahead. "Do you hear them", Raymond whispered. "Yeah, I can hear them. I think?" John answered. Annie leans in between them. "You guys, really need learn how to use your ears better." Annie mentions. "What do you know? You haven't been in this hunting business as long as we did," John says as he gives a smirk. They slowly walked through the woods towards the howls. Raymond has always been a good hunter. He was top of his class and had charisma since he is a vampire. His nice silky blonde hair, smooth slim pale skin and amazing beard. He had a gift of super strength. John, in the other hand, was very typical and funny. He was average in class and a human clown. His hair was short and dark, a narrowed shaved face, average body size and goofy look on his face all the time. He had a gift of Power Mimicry. He is able to mimic other powers and learn to absorb a bit of it with the opponent's power still intact. Annie is slightly new to the hunt. She is young human girl but dangerous. Her hair was blood red with a cute face and she was wearing a pretty doll-like dress. Her gift is Animation. She can bring inanimate objects to life using her mind. She carries a bag of sand with her that she uses to manipulate it into a creature of her liking. "Can we just hurry and get this done?" Annie cries. Without hesitation, Raymond says, "Do you want to get paid? Then I suggest we get this done right instead of rushing it." Raymond signals for a stop. He points in the direction of a cave in the distance. John whispers, "Well, looks like we found it." Raymond laid down the plan but before they can initiate it, their cover was blown. They embraced for a battle.

Richard was able to pick up their scent. He knew how close and where they were by how strong the scent was. He then pointed in to that direction. Kathleen and Mayla looked at each other and silently head to that direction. Kathleen may have the gift of transformation but she also has the gift of teleportation and skill of agility. She went a head of Mayla to locate the hunters. Mayla also have a gift and its more than just one. My mother has the gift of Chronokinesis and Gravitokinesis. Technopathy comes with these gifts as a set but she has not developed it. This gift is hard to control and master. It has been centuries since someone was able to use it at its full potential without any complications. Kathleen came back to let Mayla know where they were. They both headed towards them.

Richard was able to catch up with the two mistresses. The battle began with Raymond against Richard. Raymond shouted at John and Annie to stick together. Kathleen swiftly pushed John away from Annie. He hits a tree but he was able to get back up. Annie throws down her sand down and shapes it to a large dragon. Trying to destroy the dragon, Kathleen skits at it but goes through it every time. The dragon was able to replace the void she made. Annie giggled as she orders the dragon to push Kathleen back. She flies off on impact and Mayla managed to break her fall. Richard gave out a loud roar and rips Raymond to pieces. He then went after John who couldn't use his gift to mimic Richard or Raymond on time. He was brutally shredded. Annie was afraid since she was alone. The large werewolf finally brought down the dragon. The three walked up to Annie as she shakes near a tree. She begs them to spare her life and that she will tell them anything. "I know who sent us to kill you, my queen. It was an evil king that sent us to assassinate you and your mate. I have knowledge of creatures and the mythical. Please let me serve you. I am reliable. I assure you, my queen." My mother accepted her request and she joined the team.

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