"You know what, none of that matter now." He turned to look at me. I still stood with my back pressed against the wall, too scared to even move.

"What's done is done. Tomorrow morning, we going down to City Hall an getting married." My mouth dropped open. His words were like a punch in my gut. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I was so taking off guard that it took my brain a minute to fully process what he just said. When his words were fully processed, my fear dissolved like ice in an oven.

"Nikka, you crazy?" At this point I didn't care if he pulled out his gun I knew he carried in the back of his pants and shot me. I wasn't marrying him. For a moment he just stood there frowning at me.

"Please!" he spat. "Get over yourself. If you think I want to marry a deceitful, lying, manipulating little girl that needs to grow the hell up for the sake of our daughter, you're wrong." I folded my arms, insulted. No the hell he didn't just say that to me. He doesn't know anything about me.

"If you could just stop thinking about yourself for a minute and start thinking about our daughter, then maybe you will see that it's better for us to be married than for Eve to come up a bastard. But you're so selfish, it don't matter what's best for Eve, only what's best for you, right?" How dare he? Of course I wasn't that selfish.

"I'm not selfish. I just don't think we have to be married. Men and women have kids all the time without getting married." Of course, I was only speculating. I never knew my dad and my mom died when I was three. So technically, I didn't know how well that situation worked out for a child caught in the middle.

"Yea, well, I'm not doing that to my child and if something happens to me, she gets everything. I worked too hard for what I got and I don't want my daughter having to fight for what's hers." I placed my hand on my hip. Why in the hell he standing there talking like he have a legit business?

"Look buddy, she good. We don't need the drug emperor. You can take that with you when you go." He narrowed his eyes at me, and right then I realized it may have been too soon for my lip. He began to slowly walk towards me.

"Ol' big brain Monica, you got it all figured out, don't you? Damn! What did the world do before you and your big a$$ brain was born?" He came to a complete stop right in front of me.

"You keep talking like you innocent." My neck rolled with each word I spoke. "Your brother said, ya'll need to get in contact with the Cubans. Now I-." I put my hand on my chest.

"I'm not claiming to be the sharpest pencil in the box but even I know that you and the Cubans aint finna get together and hand out little heart shaped cupcakes to orphans." His nostril's flared as he looked down at me. I could tell he really wanted to lay hands on me now. He was standing so close I could smell his spicy cologne.

"That mouth of yours..." He nodded his head, finishing that sentence to himself. It was hard to discern what was in that intense gaze of his. I looked away from him and stared out the window because he was standing too close to me. He was just so big and commanding. It was a bit much to be my size and try to stand up to him. Not to mention the fact that he smelled real good. It was as if he found power in a cologne bottle and sprayed it all over himself.

"We don't have to stay married." He said quietly. I turned to look back up at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Just for the two years you owe me, that will be long enough for me to get my affairs in order. Get you and Eve's name on things so that everything goes to you and her. You're a liar but I believe you're a good mom. And you'll take care of things."

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