Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

 I guess someone took me upstairs after the movie because this morning I ended up in my bed. I sat up and yawned very loudly, and walked into the bathroom and took a long, refreshing, hot shower.

After my shower, I applied a little makeup and straightened my hair. I heard my stomache rumble meaning, I need food. So naturally, I walked downstairs, I enter the kitchen. 

"Hey Kyle." I said, taking a seat at the breakfast bar. The blonde chuckled and handed me a plate with two pancakes on it.

"Niall." He corrected.

"Oh, right." I said, face palming my forehead.

"Good morning, sunshine," Louis cheered, walking into the kitchen, looking into the fruit bowl.

"Where are all the oranges?" Louis whinned, and his face turned serious.

"Zayn, get your butt downstairs, and explain this," Louis yelled to Zayn who was upstairs trying to get some sleep.

Zayn stomped downstairs with an angry face on.

"What do you want, loser?" he grinned at Louis.

"Where did all the oranges go?" Louis asked, stepping all up in his grill.

"Oranges are made for eating, so I ate them. Simple as that," Zayn answered with a sassy attitude.

"Yeah, not sucking." I said, looking at Zayn, wiggling my eyebrows. Zayn's eyes went wide, realizing that I saw him when he 'ate' that orange.

Zayn just stomped upstairs, ignoring my comment.

"Who pooped in his ball of fruit, today?" Niall asked, taking a bite of his pancake.

Zayn stopped walking up the stairs and stared at Niall in an annoyed look grew upon his face. And resumed walking up the stairs.

I kinda feel back for Zayn, I mean, his friends are making fun of him. So am I, but I wouldn't consider us 'friends' yet. But I hope you do settle things.

"Just forget it." Niall said, trying to make me feel better. "He is just in a bad mood, I guess."

"I hope so." I said, shoving another pancake in my mouth.

"What should we do today?" Louis asked, trying to change the subject. "We could go to the mall?"

"Lou, whenever we go to the mall with you, you make us all run around the whole building." Liam said, looking up from the magazine.

I couldn't help but giggle, and Niall burst out laughing.

"What would you like to do?" Louis asked, looking at me.

"I don't really care." I began. "I guess whatever you guys want to do."

"To da mall!" Louis said. He got up from his chair and began running around the house screaming, "We goin to da mall! Oh yeah! Da mall! Oh yeah!"

"Come on." Harry said and we all got up and walked out of the house.


When we first got to the mall, it wasn't that crowded. Which I was surprised, because it is a Saturday morning, and usually it was crowded. We walked in as a group, and thankfully no one noticed us.

Louis as being loud as always. Its like he wants to get attention.

"Louis, can you be a little quitter?" I asked him, glaring into his eyes.

He locked eyes with me too, " Why??" he returned the question, with puppy dog eyes.

"Why?, you are screaming like you a baby."

After that he shut up. Thankfully.

We continued walking the mall, stopping at almost every store. I felt a little awkward, I was the only girl there, so there wasn't much to do but follow the guys, around. They keep asking me to try on some clothes, but I don't want them to pay for it.

"Do you guys want to go to the food court," Niall questioned all of us.

Everyone said yes, so we went to the food court. I wasn't hungry, really, so I just went and saved us a table. I took out my phone, and I got a text, from Louis.

From Louis: Whats the matter?

I thought about the text. I wasn't really sick, just my stomache hurt. But, I didn't want to tell him, or he'll worry to much.

To Louis: Nothing is wrong :)

I guess he didn't believe me because he sent me another text.

From Louis: Really? I don't believe you one bit, you can tell me :D

I looked at the line where Louis was, trying to get his food. He was already looking at me. I put on a fake smile on and smiled at him. I sent him another text.

To Louis: My stomach hurts a little, but I'm okay!

I saw him checking his phone from a distance. I saw him typing, until his order was ready, then he headed to the table, where I was sitting.

He sat down beside me putting the tray in front of him, the rest of the guys followed him sitting across the circular table. He handed me a order of chicken and fries. How did he know that chicken was my favorite?  "I didn't know what you liked so I just ordered chicken, because everyone likes chicken right?" he asks, making me laugh. 

"Yeah everyone likes chicken," I told him, while taking a bite of my chicken.

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