Trying to understand

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"How did you find me and Richie?"

"Well I really didn't want legal teams stepping in and telling us what we have to do, I preferred we do what we think is best, so I hired a private investigator to look into it. He found Richie's birth certificate and went from there."

"Well thank you for that. I don't want to have these go through legal stuff either. I think it will be easier to handle this ourselves to."

"Of course. I want what's best for the boys not what some court deems best. Would you mind showing me a picture of Richie?"

"Your private investor didn't show you one?"

"No I didn't want to see one unless you showed it to me. I didn't think I could handle seeing him and then you turning me away if that's what you choose to do."

Instead of answering her Blake reaches into his pocket pulls out his phone. Gwen didn't know what to expect with her emotions. Blake seemed to scroll through a few pictures before finding one he was willing to share. When he handed her the phone and the little blonde hair brown eye boy stared back at her she couldn't keep the tears from her eyes. He looked just like her. It kind of broke her heart to know that she hadn't been there raising him. He is her son and she hasn't been there for him. She knows it's not her fault but she suddenly is overwhelmed with guilty, sadness, fear, and ... hell she is completely confused. She places the phone on the table in front of her and lets the tears fall. She buries her face on her hands.

Blake doesn't know what to do. He didn't really expect this reaction from her. There is part of him that want to reach out to her. He doesn't like seeing her cry. He reaches out and places a hand on her arm before realizing who she is. When she lifts her head to see his hand on her arm, he immediately withdraws his hand and looks away.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall apart like that." Gwen says sniffling

This is the first time Blake sees her. Really sees her. He sees that she is just as confused and emotional as he is.

"What's Jupiter like?"

"Oh he is the sweetest little boy. We read a book before bed every night. He sits and studies each page like he is reading it along with me. He has started pretending to read books when he is playing on the floor and it's just the cutest thing. Hold on I think I have a video."

Blake can feel the love she has for the little boy. It gives him the piece of mind that his brothers son is loved and well taken care of. As he watches the video Blake feels a love for the little boy bubble in him. How is it possible to love a little boy you have never met? He imagines its something like having a baby as a couple and loving the baby before it's even born.

"He seems really smart, like his dad."

Gwen can feel the emotion radiating from Blake. She isn't sure how to handle it and not make him upset so she'd does the thing she does best and brags about her son some more.

"This is him last month on his first birthday. We thought he would go nuts for the cake but he took one finger and scooped some and tasted it. I was so ready for the messy cake covered pictures." Gwen laughs

"Did he eat it after that?"

"He ate some of it but really he didn't seem to like it."

"I'm gonna have to talk to him about that." He joked

Gwen smiled big at him.

"Richie he is a high energy little guy. I can't turn my back on him or he is gone and into something. He is such a loving sweet little guy. He loves nothing more than watching Mickey Mouse before bed all snuggled into me."

"Is he walking yet?"

"More like running. What about Jupiter?"

"He could but he is cautious. He would rather sit and watch everything. I don't think it will be long now though."

"I sure would like to meet him some day."

"Yeah that would be really great."

"I'd like for you and your husband to meet Richie. You are his biological parents after all."

"My husband passed away it's just Jupiter and I." Gwen say a lot less sad that she should be

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean.."

"No. No. It's ok. He died falling out off a window escape. He was trying to hide form the husband of the woman he was cheating on me with."

"He sounds like a grade A asshole."

"Yeah I didn't love him but I got pregnant and he insisted we 'do the right thing' and get married. I agreed because I wanted Jupiter to grow up with both parents together, like I did. I didn't want him to be another statistic that had to live between two homes. It's not what I wanted it was what I thought was best for him."

"You've had it pretty rough to then."

"Others have had it worse."

"My girlfriend left when I took Richie."

"She left? Why?"

"She said she didn't sign up for a baby. She told me it was her or him. He is my nephew of corse I would choose him. So she left."

"That's horrible and I know it had to hurt but if I may be so bold, she didn't deserve you. I don't know you but you stepped up and took your nephew when he needed you. That is a man."

"Thanks. So I guess we are both single parents. I never thought I would be."

"Yeah me either but my parents live in LA as well so they help me out when I need it."

"Yeah thankfully I have my mom and stepdad here. I'd love to take Richie to LA some time. I want to see the world my brother was living in."

"You guys should come out! Richie and Jupiter could meet and play together. We both could meet the other baby as well and get to know each other better."

"Yeah I think it would be really good for Richie and I to get away from here for a few days. I want the boys to get to play together."

"It would be so sweet to have them be friends!"

"Well working the ranch here I pretty much make my own schedule. I just have to let my number two guy know when I'm gonna be gone."

"I'm a writer so I also make my own schedule so you can come anytime."

"Alright why don't we say two weeks from today. Next week is a big week here."

"That sounds great. Well I have a flight to catch. I don't like being away from Jupiter for very long."

"Yeah I understand. I miss my little guy when he isn't around all the time."

"Oh let's exchange numbers. Then you just let me know when you guys are coming and I'll make sure to clear off time."

More than he bargained forOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz