Ch. 3

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Hermione walked to Ron's cubicle and tentatively knocked. Ron was sitting in front of his table and reading some reports. Upon hearing the knock, he looked up and saw Hermione standing outside his cubicle.

"Sandwich?" Hermione asked tentatively, holding out the sandwich in front of her.

Ron exhaled harshly, shaking his head, before motioning to Hermione to enter his cubicle. Hermione walked quickly and put the sandwich on Ron's table. She waited for Ron to start eating before she start to talk. When she saw that Ron is halfway through the first sandwich, she figured that it's a good time to start talking.

"I'm sorry."

He stopped and looked at her, "What for?"

"For everything. For not making time for you. For choosing work over you for Merlin knows how many times. For ruining us. I didn't know that it still bothers you," Hermione said, her voice full of regret.

Ron sighed, "I get it. And I'm sorry too. I know your work is important for you. And anyway, it's been years."

"You are important to me, Ron. It's just that there are so many things that's needed to be done. I didn't know that it's taking its toll in our relationship until it's far too late," Hermione said imploringly.

He smiled sadly, "I know. And I understand now. You are more invested in your work than in our relationship. And I made some mistakes along the way, too."

She looked at him sadly, trying to think of what to say to him, to defend herself, but she knew in her heart that his words rang true.

Ron, seeing the look in her face, sighed once more and added, "Look, It's fine now. And I think we can both agree that we are better off as friends. Less arguments and less expectations, right? Maybe we weren't really meant for each other. I will always care for you. And I do hope you will find someone who will truly love you, care for you, cherish you, and understand your crazy schedule. Someone whom you will see worthy of your time and attention. I just hope, too, that you will not take him and your relationship for granted."

His words sit heavy in her heart, but she knows he means well. She smiled gratefully at him.

"Thank you. It wasn't easy for me, too. You'll always have a special place in my heart. I'm glad that we had this conversation."

Ron just smiled at her sadly.

"Be careful out there. Keep each other safe, yeah? Come back to us safe and sound," she reminded him.

"You know it's an occupational hazard to keep The Boy Who Lived safe," Ron chuckled, but seeing the look on her face, he added, "We'll do our best. Don't worry. And enjoy your vacation. I think it will do you good. "

She made a face and he laughed. She rose to her feet, and Ron did, too. She hugged him and bade him goodbye.

Relieved that talking to Ron went well, she smiled a little as she went out of Ron's cubicle.

"So, that went well."

She jumped at the voice. There, leaning at the wall outside Ron's cubicle, obviously waiting for her is none other than Harry.

"Were you here the whole time we're talking?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Nah. I was just passing by. I didn't hear any shouting, so I figured it went well."

Relieved that he didn't hear any of their exchanges, she smiled, but stopped when he added, "you know, I agree that you're better off as friends. Less arguments and expectations. Less awkwardness and stress for me, too."

"You were listening!"

He shrugged and laughed, "I can't help it. But I'm actually here to interfere if ever it get heated, you know. If ever jinxes started to fly here and there."

She sighed. "Ron would never hurt me."

"I know. I was actually afraid for him. Mind you, your bird attacks are legend and to be feared."

She smacked him in the arms, but he laughed it off. They started to walk towards her office.

"But seriously, I'm glad your talk went well. It's years overdue. You never really talked when you broke up. Even I didn't know what really happened between you two. You just went on with your own businesses until the awkwardness faded and your friendship returned. I'm quite surprised that Ron handled it well. Who knew he could be matured enough about this?" Harry mused.

"Me too, Harry. I'm glad we had this conversation."

"See, your little vacation really is a miracle. Who knew it would be a way to clear things between you two. Maybe you should do it more often, " he teased.

"Oh, shut up."

Harry laughed, causing the other Aurors to look their way. They made it to her office. Harry hugged her once more.

"But I might have a few words with him, too. Occupational hazard, my face," Harry grumbled.

It was Hermione's turn to laugh, "It's quite true though. Trouble seems to follow you. Even now."

Harry made a face.

"I'll see you when we get back. Enjoy your vacation. Be safe, Hermione."

"You too, Harry. Be safe."

He smiled at her and went back to the Aurors' office. She went into her own office and sat on her chair. She mused that Harry was right. Ron seemed to mature over the past years. She shake herself from those thoughts. Her eyes drifted to her bag that contains the reports about her case.

Right. Back to work.

Back to reading the reports. Back to making notes and plans on how she will proceed with her investigation.

She sighed, pulled out the case inside her bag, and started reading again. She worked until past her office hours. She just stopped when the Minister dropped on her office to remind her and tell her to go home.

Tomorrow, she'll start working her way through the Muggle suburb. Tomorrow, she'll start her vacation.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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