Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of engines revving. Soon we pulled up into a massive drive. The house was white and I must say it was damn posh.

Ashton showed me to my room which was opposite his. Standing in the shower I let the warm water wash away all the pain and groggyness. I made my way into the kitchen and sat next to my brother and ate as much food as possible.

"Why did you sleep in Alf home?" Ashton asked.

" I didn't want to sleep on my own. " I said embarrased .

"You can sleep in my bed next time." He said clearly trying to get into my pants.

My brother threw a folk at him. Quickly ash ducked and then continued eating.

My phone started ringing and I noticed it was my father once again.

"Ashtons house is not safe neither." He laughed down the phone.

I was silent.

"I need you to do me a favour."

" I won't do absolutely nothing for you. " I spat.

"Yes you will unless you want me to kill all your little friends. Ashton has a code to get into the gates. Go and get me the code." He ordered.

"Why would you need that?" I asked.

" You don't get to ask questions. Just do it. " He spat hanging up on me.

What on earth am I going to do now then?

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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