Chapter 1

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Curled up into a tight ball, I pressed my back further into the wall, wishing it would open up and allow me to fall through it. Unwanted tears streamed down my face as thunderous footsteps grew closer. Helpless, the only thing I could do was to try and protect myself as much as possible. Causing the full house to shake, my bedroom door swung open and the sound of my fathers boots grew even louder until the point where my eardrums hurt. 

Marking my pace skin, my fathers uncontrollable hands repeatedly beat down onto me. The only thought running threw my mind was to keep my face covered. He began kicking me in the stomach. I suffered with the pain silently instead of screaming out loud. That would of made things worse. 

After what seemed like hours, he disappeared after getting bored. I didn't have a bad, all I had was a mattress. My room was bare, the only decoration was mound that climbed up my blank walls. Paint peeled and the floorboards were uneven. Leaning against my foul smelling mattress, I allowed myself to sleep. 

Waking up, my whole body was stiff and sore. I couldn't stand this anymore, I had some money saved for emergencies. Carefully, I slotted the wooden board back into position and grabbed my large bag. Silently I crept past my father who was passed out on the couch and left. Just like that without a trace I was gone. 

Alone on the empty streets of Eastcliff city, I felt peace wash over me. I was safe, well sort of. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, i scrolled through my contacts and found the person who I was looking for. My brother. Praying the number would still be in use, it rang 3 times until he finally answered. 

"Hello?" He groaned. I forgot it was 3:00 am. 

"Alfie?" I said quietly. 

"Who's this?" He asked. 

"It's me. Caitlin." I replied.

"Why are you ringing me for?". 

Me and my brother obviously didn't have the greatest of relationships. We use to be so close but had been driven apart and we haven't spoke since. 

"I need somewhere to stay." I pleaded.

"What why?" He asked me concerned. 

"I'll explain later. But please help me." 

"I will text you the address." He said. 

"Thank you so much. I will be there in the morning." I said. 

We hung up the phone to each other. He texted me his address which was still in waymoore. The city was almost 5 hours away so I had to catch a few buses but eventually I found my way there. I got a cab to his house and made my way up to his apartment. I knocked on the door and his face was in utter shock when he saw my body. 

"What happened?" He asked upset. 

"I made him angry." 

"Made who angry? He was yelling now. He probably thought it was another boyfriend of mine. I wanted him to think that, but he figured me out. He knew it was my dad who hit me. 

"He hit you didn't he?" He asked. 

I stayed silent.

"I left you with him and he's been treating you like this ever since. How long has it been going on for?" 

"He hit me the same day you left." 

He didn't know what to do with himself. He turned around to walk inside his house. He started yelling and throwing things around in anger. Noticing my fear he apologised. He pulled me into a tight hug. I have missed him a lot. 

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