Chapter 2: Waking Up

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AUTHOR NOTE: Hope you enjoy. Please comment.


The sunlight shone in through the windows and Raven squeezed her eyes shut tighter. She groaned and rolled away from the intruding light. Why was the sun invading her room? It was always dark in her room. The sun couldn't get in. She opened her eyes. Now she was even more confused, 'My furniture isn't white'. Although she needed to know what the hell was going on, she was too tired and this bed was too warm to try and get up. So, she rolled back over to inspect the intrusive sunlight and the windows that let it in.

What she found was green.

Her whole being went rigid. She had to use all her self-control not to scream, because it was Beast Boy. Beast Boy was in her bed. But this wasn't her bed. And it was not his bed. And he was different.

It was like he was older. Years older in fact. His face was more defined and his hair had an almost blonde tinge despite still being green. And that one fang that had always stuck up awkwardly past his top lip was nowhere to be see. The light that poured through the soft curtains framed him with what could be described as a halo. And the gold wedding band on his finger only added to the shining effect.

'Wait. What.' At this Raven did panic. She swung her arm up to look at her own hand. And there on her ring finger was a golden ring with an amethyst stone embedded next to some smaller diamonds.

At the sudden movement, Beast boy woke up. Groaning he slowly opened his eyes. He looked up and could see Raven. At first, he assumed he must be dreaming.

But the horrified expression on her face confirmed that this dream, wasn't his idea. He sat up in a panic.

"Raven! What are you doing in my bed!" He then looked around the room. "Wait this isn't my bed."

Raven sat up too, but then she lost her balance and fell off the side of the mattress with a 'thump', taking the blankets with her.

She pushed herself up off the ground with her elbows, now with a sore tailbone. Garfield had attempted to catch her but now just leant across the bed with his eyes wide and jaw slack. Raven was grown up.

I wasn't hard to tell, even if the nightgown was less revealing than the leotard she usually wore, it still left nothing to the imagination. As it wasn't hard to see her curves through the silky fabric.

Suddenly realizing the reasoning behind the expression on the changeling's face, she hastily grabbed at the sheets and pulled them around herself as she stood up.

Then as she beheld the grown-up version of beast boy, her own cheeks warmed. He was wearing only a pair of purple boxers. And his body...

He was no longer Beast 'Boy' that was for sure. She then turned around and faced the other way. Before either one could comment another voice echoed through the closed door.

"Muuuuuuum. Violet won't let us in the bathroom!"

The teens turned adults froze. Eyes wide for a different reason than before. Raven whipped her head back around to look at the changeling as she whispers in horror. "Mum?" Her knees started shaking.

That's when Garfield noticed the purple gem donning the ring finger of the hand clutching the sheets to Ravens chest. He became aware of the weight on his own finger and didn't dare confirm its existence by looking.

Panic finally set in.

Raven collapsed to the ground in her pile of sheets. Garfield got up and edged his way to the door, still with terror written across his face. "I'm going to figure out what's going on ok."

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