"He's freaked out" I roll my eyes with a sarcastic laugh. "we're He ones having the kids."

"Yeah But we've gotten over it. Plus you're his little sister Maddie. He didn't speak to me for how long after he saw us" he says.

"Exactly. Something that was dumb and childish, he shouldn't be reacting this way it's unfair and annoying" I reply.

"Yeah you're right, and I told him but I don't know what you expected from him" he sighs.

"Honesty I don't either. I don't know. Maybe to be a normal brother. I'm literally 19 I can do whatever I want" I fall onto my back.

"Yeah I get that babe" he puts a hand on my thigh. "I'm sorry."

"You didn't do anything" I sighed out. "Far from it actually." "Mason, what's going on? I know...I know you're putting on this be cool, calm and collected look when I know you're scared" I sit back up to look at him. His eyes wander over to mine. "Just tell me what you're really feeling...please" I said the please in a whisper. He looks away. "Just cause you want me to feel good and happy doesn't mean you have to totally hide your feelings Mas" I tell him.

"I know" he nods retracting his hand from my thigh which I didn't like cause I liked it there. "What do you want me to tell you that I'm freaking out, so it'll freak you out?" He asks.

"Tell me everything. Tell me what you think about this all" I look at the side of his face.

"Well I'm fucking scared for starters" he mutters rubbing a hand down his face. "I don't know. We're 19, I was far from believing that we are gonna have a child of our own by now. We don't have a house or apartment, we live in New York so hats gonna be the worst trying to find a decent and payable place, I have money saved. But not enough to just blow on a baby" he sighs out. The last part stung a bit. "I need a job, we still have a whole 9 months till you're due. But this is freaking me the fuck out. I don't know what I'm gonna be like as a dad. Honestly I never knew or even thought of having kids-"

"You don't want kids?" I accuse right away.

"I never said that Maddie" he looks over to me. "I just never thought of having them recently."

"So do you or not? Because Mason you just said this was a dream come true" I asked.

"I do. With you yes obviously. But I'm telling you that I didn't think we'd already be having kids. It is my dream Maddie, But it's all happening so fast" he breathes out. "I thought you felt this way too?"

"I do, but I honestly feel like I'm more ready than you are and I'm the one actually having the child" I said and he turns to me with confused and hurt eyes.

"What the fuck?" He asks. I give him a confused look back. "You're the only one "actually" having this child. Really Maddie" he scoffs. "No you really aren't. This is as much my child it is yours. And just because it's coming out of your vagina is unfair for you to say" he says.

"Mason. You know what I mean, I'm the one having to carry it for 9 months. I believe it's gonna be worse on me" I said.

"That's bullshit. Yeah the side effects maybe but how else? If anything you'd want to do that for your kid. Honestly Maddie I'm fucking hurt that you think what? I don't even know but saying that was a weird thing to say considering we're going through the same thing. And you just asked me how I feel and now you're kinda bashing me about it" he tells me.

"How So? You're the one saying you don't wanna blow the money on the baby" I scoff back.

"I said that because I know fucking baby's are expensive and we need money for other things that just a kid. We need to have a stable place and life Maddison. am I the only one thinking about this?" He raises his voice a little more. "What's the point of even bringing that up? That's the most minor inconvenience in this conversation. The biggest problem is you not realizing that you fucking asked me how I feel about this. So I tell you because oh you're my girlfriend but then you get angry at me saying it's harder on you because you're "ACTUALLY" having the kid. That's fucking sick of you to say Maddie!" He stands up taking a step back away from me. I was starting to get mad.

I just kinda fought with Nathan I didn't need this also.

"MASON! Are you the one that's gonna have this fat faint stomach that's oh so noticeable by everyone. Are you the one going to school for it? No. So you know what! It is harder on me. You can hide it and be proud of that while I actually have to get the eyes of judgemental people!" I yell back.

"I can hide it?" He sounded hurt and if anything disgusted. "Are you fucking crazy Maddie. What the fuck! I'm honestly so fucking tired of all this. Don't ask me shit all about it if you really don't give a shit and are gonna start up a fight because I don't like fighting with you. And you never understand when you're wrong. Never. I can hide it. Yeah thanks a lot that feels great that you think me. Your fucking BOYFRIEND would hide something like that" he spits out. "Just because I'm scared! Just because I told you all of that! Does not mean I wanna hide this what so ever! Just because you really don't give a fuck about what I'm feeling because you are the one "ACTUALLY" having the child! Means shit all. So thank you for that" he's got a frown etched onto his lips with sad and annoyed and angry eyes. Im was mad too. This was unfair to me too.

"Mason! I didn't mean it like that okay! Calm down. You just don't understand what it will be like for me!" I yelled back.

"NO! I will. I will understand every bit of it. You know what! You really wanna know why!? It might actually shock you but I was planning on being there for you! Helping you! And not FUCKING hiding it from people!" He yells out. "And for you to care as much of what people think is annoying and not like you at all."

"You shouldn't be fucking yelling at me Mason!  You just as per usual don't understand what I'm trying to say!" I throw my hands in the air.

"AS PER USUAL!?" He yells clenched jaw now. "I KNOW-I know, I understand every single time what you're feeling! What you're saying. And for you to say that is wrong and upright completely rude because Maddie I'm always there for you no matter what. SO! I think this conversation is fucking done because I'm not fighting with you about dumb shit like this. Just because you believe that "I don't understand" and that you're the one "actually" having the baby. Thanks a fucking lot!" His voice changed drastically but the end of his sentence. "Thanks for being there Maddison" he gives me a hard look turning around my mouth opens to say something but nothing comes out and he leaves the room slamming the door causing me to flinch. I hear him run downstairs and leave out the front.

I let out an angry yelp.

"FUCK!" I groan. I wanna now cry. "Why!!!!!" I mutter to myself.



Well...yeah that was probably a lot. Sorry...but I kinda needed it. Anyways. Hope you guys enjoyed it tho. Tell me your thoughts pls. Xoxo.


Love, Fights...and Everything in between (MBBF sequel)Where stories live. Discover now