14. Help For The Reckless Brother

Start from the beginning

Holden walked into the bathroom before washing his hands with a dull face. "You said you were full," he answered nonchalantly causing Lauren to clench her jaw.

"Then you should've released her!"

Holden left the bathroom before taking a step over the dead body before he lied in bed. "You can't just kill innocent people!" Lauren yelled before closing her eyes. She could still smell blood as Holden stared at her with a blank face.

"I don't care," he mused dully before Lauren sat down on her own bed.

"I have so many questions," Lauren began as she glanced at Holden, who was lying straight, staring off into the ceiling. Lauren was creeped out by his lack of emotions because she felt like she was gonna explode from them. "Why did you turn me?"

Holden didn't answer as Lauren became even more creeped out by his sudden silence. "Okay... Why are you like this then?" she pressed with questions again. "Answer me!"

The emotionless Salvatore looked at her before sitting up. "You want to be like me, don't you?" he asked as a dull smirk appeared on his face. Lauren shook her head. "Hm... That's a shame. It would be so much fun."

"You're... It's like you don't feel," Lauren explained angrily causing Holden to look at her. "What... How is that possible?" she realized that it was indeed a case.

Holden wasn't dumb. He knew Lauren wouldn't waste time turning it off too if he told her. He knew she felt so much guilt but that wasn't his plan for her. "I just can," he commented before standing up and walking towards Lauren, who stared at him fearfully. "I turned you for a reason, sweetheart. I want you to raise hell for Stefan. When the times comes I want you to go back to Mystic Falls and kill everyone that he loves."

"Stefan? That guy that I bumped into at the ball?" Lauren asked so Holden nodded with a sweet smile. "Who is he to you and why do you want to hurt him?"

"He's the one who tries to control me. And as much as I don't care... He ruins the fun," Holden explained casually as Lauren furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "I already hurt someone he cares about. But that was just a small one comparing to what you're gonna do to Caroline Forbes, Jeremy Gilbert and of course Elena Gilbert."

Lauren had no idea why she listened to Holden and why she wanted to do as he said. But from the looks on Holden's face he knew. "When will I be able to walk in the daylight?" she asked him dully as Holden smirked.

"Where do you think I went?" he asked before revealing a beautiful ring with a blue stone in it. Lauren stared at it before taking it. "It's yours."

Lauren put it on before Holden walked over to the curtains. He draw them causing Lauren to close her eyes from the impact. But when she didn't burn Lauren opened her eyes as Holden mused. "Apparently it worked," he said so Lauren smiled to herself. She was free to roam.

KATHERINE AND STEFAN WERE ON A ROAD ONCE AGAIN. Caroline gave them a lead to find Damon, who was somewhere with Enzo. When his car's fuel ended the two had to stop at a gas station to fill up joint.

Of course the Pierce girl became frustrated when she had to exit the car through the window. "You ever think about getting a new car?" she asked before finally getting out.

"What are you talking about?" Stefan looked at her in amusement. "This car is a classic."

Katherine scoffed. "Yeah and so is the Wright brother's plane, but you don't see people still flying around in that thing."

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