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Phantom pov
Feigning sleep I heard Ava come in again and say "boys.. selfless, immature, caring, annoying, UGH! Why is it always Pete that ends up half dying for new friends" under her breath. "Because that's his hero's heart. If he's like I think he is, and what you described, he has a hero's heart, that often leads to a condition I like to call "hero's heart attack" the ultimate choice of right and wrong, choosing right because of something traumatic in his past that made him either feel a responsibility, or a strong passion for his line of work.." mutters Ben finally waking up. "Though I don't know who you're referring to though, me, Pete or phantom over there" "..." Ava was stunned momentarily. "Primarily Pete, but "Mr.Self sacrifice" over there too" "both will mature in time. Although I'm not the best in that department myself.." mutters Ben chuckling. "hey don't fall asleep again!" Says Ava, shaking him. Soft snores like a kitten were heard from him. "Boys.." She mutters walking out. "Any changes,Miss Ayala?" Asks Cap. "Ben woke up and gave me awesome advice then promptly fell asleep again" "Friday, if any of the boys' wake up, notify me please" "yes,sir" answered the AI. I lay there and think about what Father said.. "big invitations.." what did that mean, I thought about maybe being part of the team and saving the world until father comes to get me, or I learn how to create portals to the ghost zone. "Phantom looks to be in deep thought rather then sleep. Is he ok?" Asked Pete when he finally woke up. "I'm not sure, he's peaceful for now, let's just go with it." I came to my conclusion that father meant joining the team if asked, and decided that father would come to get me if he wanted to. Loki was Asked to medal in my brain to see if I was ok. He appeared in my head as I was going through the possibilities. I noticed him and asked what was happening. "You don't need to think this hard, your highness. I know that the time masters' plan is for you to gain some friends, and live a full...ish life before putting that crown upon your head." "You know father?"I asked. "Not personally, but I know of him. He is in Norse fables and myths." Was his answer. I wondered why he was in my mind, but wasn't too worried about it. "You must wake up now,the others have gotten worried." Loki said in a light tone. Suddenly I opened my eyes and Loki was standing in front of me with Cap who was looking worried. "He will be fine captain, just make sure he gets enough sleep." Mutters Loki before exiting.
Skip to that night when the ultimates had gone back to the shield base and Loki took the remainder of the frost giants back to Asgard. The rest of the Avengers, pepper, Ben, phantom and Spidey are in the living room watching a movie.
Peter pov
Everyone is awake yet, except for an exhausted Ben and Phantom. Widow is in between the two of them and surprisingly they both decided to use her as a pillow. "Do you think it's time for the kids to go to bed Stark?" She Asked rather snippy. "Why? They have a great pillow already!" Says Stark laughing. "Don't get'Cher mana in a twist, I'm alive" Mumbles Ben. "Boxy, just get into the thermos. I don't have time for this..I swear I I hear "beware" one more time I'll.." mutters Danny. My head bobs and I lay my head down on Cap, who chuckles softly and carries me to my room here at the tower.
Danny pov
"Which one do I take first Nat?" Asked Hawkeye. "Ben. He's heavier. Be careful of his side though" she mutters. "Guess that means I'm taking Phantom?" Tony Asked. I felt his hands lift me and I muttered about father's couch being too comfortable to leave. "Ain't that the truth" mutters Stark as I was laid in a bed with the softest pillow and blankets ever. "Lay Ben over there. At least they won't be alone if they wake up terrified with ptsd.  I slept for hours until I woke up in tears in Caps arms. "Shh. It's ok phantom. Nobody can hurt you anymore." He Mumbles into my ear. I didn't know that I had woken up everybody in the tower with a ghostly wail at 3:45 am "J-Jazz" I mutter barely audible, shaking like an autumn leaf. Cap just stays silent until I eventually fall asleep again. "Poor thing was howling with what seemed like pain" Said Widow from the door. "Heartaches can physically hurt too. I would know" mutters Cap. "Do you guys think he's going be ok?" Peter Asked quietly. "He'll be fine. Hopefully" mutters Cap.
The following morning I walked into the kitchen and everybody was looking at me strangely like I'd grown another head. "I didn't half-duplicate did I?" I mumble in a groggy voice still drunk on sleep. "No. You just have impressive lungs.." said Ben equally as sleep drunk. "You three are going to be here a while. Strange popped in earlier to say that your friends said they intended to leave you here for good, Ben and Daniel. As for Pete, well, early this morning, your aunt was killed in a car accident." Says Stark. "Somebody catch the poor things before they fall" said Cap. The next thing I knew was that I was officially a Stark, along with Both Ben and peter. "We wanna know if you wanna join the team as avengers, Petey can still be an ultimate and have the gang here as much as you want" "sure. Might as well save the world" I said. "Sure" "YES!" (Use your imagination to guess who said what)
"So I'm gonna go punch something" I mutter. "Me too" Ben said in a dark tone. "Nap time" Peter said.
In the gym 10 minutes later.
Ben pov
Having brothers is odd. They're not really the same in temper though. Danny is a little more guarded and vigilant, whilst being very protective of family and friends, making him kind and caring as well, while Peter is more smart, dorky and like Danny, also protective over friends and family. (I'm sensing a theme) I walk to the punching bags and so does he. We both string up one and let our fists fly. I blocked everything else out and raged. Letting my pent up emotional baggage drop and went full out. From the looks of it so did Danny. When I finally let go of my concentration I saw Stark in the doorway in awe watching us. I felt Danny shaking me, saying that he didn't wanna do something. A cold blast to my face got me out of my thoughts. "Let's eat"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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