The dark side

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Ben pov
"Woah woah woah, I'm Ben, and that's Danny, Dr.Strange pulled us into this mess with his friends Clockwork, the master of time, from Danny's universe, and Professor Paradox, a science experiment gone wrong able to walk freely throughout all timelines, essentially, our version of Clockwork. Those are our villains out there, we're just getting food before we figure out a plan to defeat them." I explain. Danny sheepishly smiles at him, and eats another pop tart. "Looks like at least ONE of your new friends is competent, Stark." With a look  at me and a weary one at Danny. "I'm good at defusing arguments.. I'm an intergalactic super hero back in my universe" I say when I get looks of amazement. "We're not Alone" Says Danny calling forth his ghost powers, rising to the air and hovering. "That cursed ghost sense always was my bane" Says a low voice filled with hate. "Dan, I'm not in the mood for this. Says Danny in a growl not unlike this "Dan" "ooooh-who-hooo-hooo, feisty aren't we..." chuckles Dan. No hesitation, Danny puts a green energy beam in Dan's face. "I just came to make a deal. Not to fight. Bring your little pep squad to Central Park in 3 hours, the Avengers and Pete's little gang are free to join, but no more." Says Dan.
Danny blanched. If that was possible. I turned to him and say "alternate time line evil you, eh?" Nodding, he gulps and sits down, changing back.

Danny pov
Dan didn't attack, it was killing him not to, I could sense that, but why wouldn't he just kill me now? How'd he dimension hop in the first place? Come to think of it, how did Vilgax do it? Was it easy for a space ship from another planet and universe to do it? I thought to myself before Ben snaps me out of my thoughts by correctly guessing what Dan was. Silently, I nod and sit down, changing back. "We've got 3 hours to come up with a plan, get a posse behind us and set the plan into action folks, Pete, call whoever is in your "gang" and Tony, call the rest of the Avengers. We're gonna need help." Nodding they do as told.

Tony pov
"Heeeeey Loki, could you come to Earth to help out some friends of mine with a major problem?" "Yes! Brother, please come help the man of spiders, and his new friends defend Earth from their foes!" "Uggghh finnnee. Just don't expect me to do it again any time soon." "Could you bring some undefeatable asgaurdian armor, and some frost giants?" I pipe in. "Whatever" Loki Says "on my way, with your back up for your tiny friends" Thor squeals like a kid on Christmas.

Pete pov
"Ultimates, we have an issue" "you mean the ghost, alien and Goblin rampaging through the city, ya we know, web head" Sam sasses. "Just get to Central Park in 2.4 hours. Bring your asgaurdian armor, and weapons. Shits about to hit the fan."
Time skip to the fight. Literally every avenger, ultimate, and 30 frost giants along with Loki stand behind Ben, Danny and Peter. "You certainly didn't disappoint, young me..even with your little cronies and snowmen, nobody can stop us" Dan growled. "Wanna bet, asshole?" Danny growled in an eerily similar tone, eyes glowing bright and glaring daggers.

Danny pov
I glare at him, I will NEVER become him. We end up fighting each other's foes. I got Goblin, with the help of Some frost giants and Loki. That guy really knows his way around the Goblin.

Boys with scars- Ben10,Danny Phantom and SpiderManDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora