A Little Wadger Never Hurt No One

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I gripped my sword. I am stupid. Very stupid.

Okay, so I was good against Percy, but I wasn't in control of myself. I was taking out my fustration and I felt like someone was guiding me.

Now, I have challenged Jason and Piper, two of the seven, and I don't feel the way I felt that day.

I am going to lose and suffer the price.

I take a deep breath and stepped forward.

Piper looks at me, "Are you sure that you want to do this?"

Jason smirks, "You don't want to chicken out do you?"

I give a evil smile, "Bring it."

All three of us launch into action.

Jason attacks left, Piper right. I can hardly keep up, I roll forward and they both gave me a shallow cut.

I his through my teeth and come up.

They don't give me any time to recover, they both attack again in perfect harmony, complimenting each other's attacks.

They back off and give me a chance to catch my breath.

Jason gives a triumphant smile, "Want to give up yet?"

I hiss through my teeth, "No way."

Piper looks at me, "Come on Celeste, just drop your weapon and admit defeat."

That idea on Piper's smooth velvet voice sounds compelling. And soon enough, my grip on lossens and the sword falls to the ground. The words form on my mouth but then anger clouds my vision.

She just tried using charmspeak on me!

I take a deep breath and keep the dreamy look on my face. "Ow," I fall to the ground and the two rush forward.

I feel strength flood into my system and a plan forms into my head.

As quick as a Cobra, I rip my necklace of and my bow appears loaded in my hands.

I launch one at Jason and he throws himself to the ground.

Piper didn't see my leg coming. I sweep my leg out from under her and she falls to the ground. I fire a arrow through her shirt to keep her to the ground for a moment.

All of a sudden a gust of wind  throws me into the side of the training area
My head collides with the wall with a big crack.

Normally, I would have been fine, but something was tugging at my brain. Like a distant memory, but not.

But I didn't have time to figure out what it was, Jason was coming at me and I didn't have a weapon.

I take a deep breath and let out a sonic scream, not enough to hurt him, just knock him on his butt.

I hightail it to my sword and as soon as I pick it up, I am pulled out of my body.

I jerk into the air, below me I see Jason and Piper run to me.

I am limp on the ground, my eyes wide open, but instead of my blue ones looking to the sky, they are gold.

Jason and Piper Yelp and start to whisper anong theirselfs.

I feel a tug in my gut and I am shot across the sky.

The landscape below me is bluring so fast I can't make anything out. The day slowly fades to night. But then the night turns back to day, each time this happens the transaction becomes faster and faster.

The New Demigod At Camp Half BloodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon