Chapter Five

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I've decided to write this chapter. It might be the last, It might not. It depends on if I get any more inspiration. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Manny POV

I'm at Bob's house. We're playing Call Of Duty, like we usually do now. We get money from everyone around us, they actually throw money at us in the streets. I don't get it.

Bob turns to me, pausing the game. "Manny, I feel weird."

I'm concerned. "Are you okay?"

He stares at me, and, with a flash of light, he turns into a cat.

I stare at the yellow cat in front of me. It walks over and plops down on my lap.

"Manny, why am I a cat?"

"Y-you can still speak?!"

"Oh. I guess so." He purrs as I pet him.

"Bob, do you know why this happened?"

"Nope. No idea. It's fun, though."

"No! This means we can't even kiss anymore! No dates, and now you can't eat a ton of foods!"

"That's awful! I must become human again!"

We hear a cackle outside.

I jump up, Bob in my arms, and run outside.

"Stop right there!" I yell at a witch. She has long, tangled white hair, a huge wart on her nose, and a long, flowing black cloak.

"Never!" Her cackle is loud and annoying.

"I'll help you!" Bob leaps off my shoulder and lands on top of her face, claws out and teeth bared.

"Turn him back!" I pin the witch to the ground as she screams in terror.

"Okay! I'll change him back!"

Bob jumps off her and licks his paws in the grass.

"Change him. Now."

Flash of light, and now Bob is human again.

"He can turn into a cat whenever he wants, and same with the human thing." The witch disappears.

I stand and hug Bob. "I was so worried that you'd never be human again!"

He kisses my cheek. "It's okay. I'll never do anything like that to you." He takes my hand and leads me inside. "Let's keep playing COD."

I smile and sit beside him, happy to do anything.

Time skip to nighttime

Bob turns into a cat and curls up in a ball beside my head. I fall asleep to the sound of his purrs.

Hope this amused you! I laughed while writing it, but I've been laughing while writing the whole thing. Bye!

We Can't Fix It (Bob The Builder x Handy Manny)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ