Chapter 34

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It's been a few months since my parents died and it hasn't gotten easier not having them around. I still miss them, I still wake up some mornings thinking that they were downstairs waiting to greet me good morning or come home some days and cooking dinner for three instead of one. Nothing much has changed since then, but life has moved and so I did too.

It was just another university day and I was on my way home when my phone rang with a message. I smiled when I read that it was from Niall.

From: Niall

Can't wait to see you tomorrow baby! I love you xx

I smiled and texted him back.

To: Niall

Hey baby, I can't wait to see you too!

I giggled and pressed my foot down on the accelerator. Tomorrow, we celebrate our first anniversary and I was flying to London tonight so we can celebrate it together. My ordinary day just turned extraordinary and I was more than excited to see him again.

When I got home, I made sure all my luggage were complete and locked then I got changed for the flight. Then I loaded my bags into my car and I was off to the airport. My phone rang once again and I checked it to see that it was Alexis wishing me a - to put it subtly - fruitful time in Europe. I laughed loudly and continued to drive, getting closer and closer to my boyfriend.

When Niall first told me that he wanted to spend our anniversary in Europe, he said it will be an all-expense-paid trip. Now I know what he’d meant and he really went all out for me. So here I was, sitting in the first class cabin with plush seats and stewardesses serving me like I was in a restaurant or something. For most of the trip however, I just slept and watched movies on the pop up screen in front of me. To be honest, as much as I love Niall for spoiling me like this, flying first class just doesn’t make the flight any faster. I just want to be there with him, in his arms.

Hours after endless hours later and the sun has risen to a new day. When the flight landed, I hopped off the plane and almost ran through security and customs. I hurriedly collected my luggage and hauled the thing through to the arrival lounge. As I took my first few steps, I looked around for the familiar blonde Irishman I had grown to love. But he wasn’t there. I looked around for some more but he just wasn’t anywhere to be found. My heart sunk and I tried to keep a straight face as I kept on walking.

Where is he? It’s our anniversary and he doesn’t pick me up at the airport, I don’t get it.

“Oh, don’t look too disappointed Luc! I mean, we’re not that bad, I swear!” a familiar voice rang out. I looked up and giggled.

“Boys! Gee, I thought I was going to have to sleep in the streets tonight!” I joked.

They all hugged me but it wasn’t complete, Niall still wasn’t there. The boys drove me back to their apartment and they helped me carry my luggage in.

“Where’s Niall?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

The boys looked at each other and smiled slyly. “He, uh, have other matters to take care of. He did say to tell you he’s sorry for not picking you up at the airport,” Liam said, suppressing a smile. I still don’t get what’s so funny but I just smiled along with the rest of them.

“So, um, where am I staying, exactly?” I asked, wanting to escape.

“Nowhere, hun,” Louis said. I furrowed my eyebrows. “We’re taking you out. But first, get dressed.”

“But Lou,” I started.

“Nuh-uh. Not having any of that. Nialler’s orders, Luc!” he said. “Go to Niall’s room and get changed in there. I believe there’s already an outfit for you.”

My heart pounded, where are we going? Niall picked an outfit for me? Impossible. Niall’s room was surprisingly neat but I didn’t have time to wander around. My eyes immediately laid on the supposed outfit he picked for me. It was gorgeous! The dress was a very light pink shade, with a black satin sash that wrapped around the waist. I picked it up and felt the smooth satin material and quickly stripped down. Surprisingly, the dress fits my body, it hugs my bust and then it flows out and reaches down to my knees. Next, I spotted a pair of heels on the floor and put them on as well. It had white soles and black, satin laces secured them to my feet.

I stood up and let my hair tumble down to its natural waves and I used an accessory clip to pin the sides of my hair back. I walked to the mirror and noticed a note stuck on it, and it said, ‘You look beautiful. Love, Niall.’ I laughed and took it off to see myself properly. I was amazed at how I looked in the outfit he picked out but I was even more confused as to where we were going. Not wanting to look ragged from the flight, I put on some light make up then smiled at my reflection.

When I came out of the room, all eyes were on me and I fidgeted with my dress to hide my blush.

Someone cleared their throat and I blushed even further. “You look very pretty, Luc.” It was Zayn. I smiled at him then followed then out to the car. Once we were all inside, Louis drove off to someplace. After a few minutes of cruising around, we finally parked near the London Eye. I got out of the car but no one else did so I turned back around and peeped my head through the window.

“What are we doing here? Aren’t you coming with me?” I asked, confused.

“Nope,” Harry said, popping the ‘p’. “It’s your date, not ours. Have fun, love!”

I stood back and looked at all of them confused. “I don’t know anyone here, don’t tell me you’re going to leave me alone!”

They chuckled. “You’re not alone, Lucy. Look again, I’m sure you’ll see a familiar face,” Liam said mysteriously.

I leant back from the car and with a final wave, they drove off. I’ve never felt so out of place in my life. Here I was, standing in front of the London Eye, in a semi-formal attire, not knowing what to do. However, Liam said I’d see a familiar face so I looked around again and but I didn’t see anyone I knew. I did recognise a car though and frowned, wondering what the hell it was doing here. It was Niall’s Aston Martin a few meters away.

I walked towards it and reached for the car door. I was stunned to find it open. Who would leave their car like this unattended? Anyway, there was a note attached to the steering wheel.

The note read:

Hey baby, happy anniversary! I’m sorry I didn’t pick you up from the airport. I hope the boys didn’t give you a hard time or anything. Anyway, you’re probably wondering where I am and what you’re doing in my car in front of the London Eye.

Do you remember our time in the Brisbane Wheel? Well, the London Eye’s not the same, I know, but I hope it would bring back the memory of us, exactly one year ago because that’s how we officially started. I’m not going to put all the lovey-dovey stuff I’m meant to say in this letter because I want to save that for when we finally meet.

Now I want you to drive yourself to Regent’s park. Remember how to get there? Once you do, find the gazebo we went to when I took you out there and there’ll be another letter waiting for you.

I love you, Lucy and I will see you soon.



I laughed to myself. Oh Niall, you cheeky leprechaun. I found the keys in the ignition and revved up the engine before speeding down the lanes to get to my next destination. 

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