Chapter Twenty

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 Declan loved being able to go back to their house again and just wander around, reacquainting himself with everything with a renewed appreciation for their home. It was good to love the home you have while you have it, he realized, and give it love, because you never know when things are going to change.

 The Malfoys took a few days to move back into their home and just relax. Declan felt his parents deserved it after the stressful months they had had. But after a few days, Declan was practically bursting with glee. His parents told them they would all be going on a trip, the three of them, to visit some friends. They didn't say who, and it was until they had all apparated to their destination that Declan realized who they were visiting.

 "This is the Scamanders' house!" he cried.

 "We know," Sorcha said, smiling at her son's excitement. "We heard Rolf returned home from Hogwarts and thought you might want to see him."

 "Do you want to knock, son?" Cathair asked him.

 Declan stepped up to the front door and rapped quickly. He heard a woman's call, "Can you answer that, Rolf?"

 The door opened, and Rolf stared at Declan for a moment with wide eyes, and Declan stared back. Then they both smiled and laughed and hugged, and realized just how long it had been since they last saw each other.

 "I know it's been almost a year since we said goodbye on the platform," Rolf said, "But it feels like so much longer."

 After that loud, happy reunion, the two boys had gone to the garden to catch up on everything while Declan's parents went inside to talk with Rolf's family.

 "So? Where did you go?" Rolf asked. "We were hoping we would hear from you, but we never did."

 "My parents thought it was too dangerous to write. I would have if I could have. We spent the summer in Nova Scotia, and then spent the rest of the time in New York. It was dull, because I hardly ever went outdoors, and tense because my parents were worried about Voldemort finding us. Rolf, you were at Hogwarts this year, weren't you? What happened? How was it?"

 "Oh, it was terrible! It's not the same without Professor Dumbledore. Professor Snape was the new headmaster, and the school was like a prison. We had Death Eaters as our new teachers! But Luna got me into Dumbledore's Army, and they're all brilliant. We all knew Harry was going to come back to Hogwarts someday, and he did. There was a battle, Declan. Harry as brave, too; he defeated Voldemort right there in the Great Hall, in front of everyone."

 "Was it that great?" Declan asked.

 "Oh, no, not really. A lot of people died defending Hogwarts. Professor Snape was killed by Voldemort. I suppose it is sad he was killed, even though he wasn't a very good teacher."

 "Did you...get to talk to Harry?"

 "I did, actually. He asked me if you would be coming back now that Voldemort's gone. I said I didn't know, but I hoped so. I guess he wanted to talk to you."

 Declan nodded. "Right. I'd like to talk to him, too."


 Cathair Malfoy answered the pounding on the front door to find none other than Harry Potter standing outside his house.

 "Um...hello," Harry said, looking a bit awkward. "Um, I'm-"

 "You don't have to tell me," Cathair said. "I already know."

 "Oh. Right, yeah. Um, does Declan Malfoy still live here?"

 "Well, if he's run away, I think I would have noticed." Cathair held out his hand. "Cathair Malfoy, Declan's father. He said once that he knew you at school. He seemed to have a lot of faith in you. Shall I tell him you're here?"

 "Yes, please." Harry stepped inside. "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy."

 "Follow me." Cathair led him a flight steps and knocked on the second door on the right. "Declan?"

 "Yeah?" they heard.

 "You've got a visitor, son. I think you'll want to see this one."

 Declan opened the door, and stared when he saw Harry.

 "Hi, Declan," Harry said. "Um, I'm glad you're back from...wherever you were."

 "I think I should give the two of you a chance to catch up on your adventures," Cathair said. "It was good to meet you, Mr. Potter. Be warned, I'm sure my wife will want to offer you some tea before you leave."

 "Thanks, Mr. Malfoy," said Harry.

 Cathair gave them a smile before going down the stairs again.

 When they were alone, Declan pulled Harry into a hug before Harry could even say anything.

 "I've been worried about you all this time," Declan said. "I knew you could do it, but I thought you might actually die trying."

 "Well, to be honest, I did almost die trying," said Harry, "More than once. Voldemort's gone now; your parents don't have to afraid anymore. So, where did you hide away while I was off stopping Voldemort?"

 "The other side of the world. Now, where were you?"

 "All over the place, trying to find horcruxes while staying away from the law."

 Declan smiled. "You had quite the time, didn't you?"

 Harry shrugged. "Well, it was pretty scary. But...I came here to ask you about something else." He pulled a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket. "You gave me this the last time I saw you. I've read it over and over again so many times, and I just wanted to this true?"

 "Do you think I would have given it to you if it weren't true?" Declan went to his desk and pulled out some papers all tied together. "These are all the letters I've written in the last year, letters to you. I would have sent them to you if I could have, but this is a little of my life while we were apart."

 "Thanks." Harry took the papers awkwardly. Something about Declan was different. He had been a quiet, shy boy, afraid to even reveal himself to Harry for so long a time. But now here he was, standing here with this new confidence and a bright smile.

 "Come on, let's go down to tea, shall we?" Declan suggested. "My parents will want to get to know you better."

 Harry let Declan take him by the hand and lead the way.

Letters To Harry | Harry PotterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu