{C h a p t e r 3}

Beginne am Anfang

"Can I see the whole house? How big is it?" I asked her.

"It is considered as a large house in Alabaman standards and doesn't appear as big from the front as from the inside. Unfortunately, your aunt has told me you are only allowed on the first floor or in the basement, which is a pity. Without further ado, let me tell you the many rules of this house," she said.

She took out a notebook and started readin it, "Rule number one, You are not allowed on the second floor or above. Number two, there is no speaking allowed in the house when your aunt is present. Three, no playing in the house without supervision and you are not allowed out of your room between five in the evening to seven in the morning, ..." 

Oh my days, too many rules! I was getting pretty impatient as Anne droned on about the million (slightly exaggerated) rules about this place and was about to interrupt her when she finally stopped and said, "I think that if I finish telling you all the rules, you'll fall asleep on me and that would do no good at all. Your aunt wants you to meet her five children soon because she just informed me. Come with me to the party room."

I let out a quiet sigh of relief when she finally stopped her lecture on the boring rules, I was seriously going to fall asleep. I followed her to the party room and saw my aunt with five children between five to sixteen or seventeen years old following behind her. They lined up in front of me from the shortest to tallest, which struck me as something odd. 

My aunt stood behind and introduced them, "This is Anna, who is five years old. This is Bella, who is eight years old. This is Mira, who is fifteen years old. And these are the twins-Peter and Sammy, who are both sixteen."

Mira was the only one who smiled at me when she was introduced. The others either just ignored me or glared at me. A long awkward silence followed after my aunt finished introducing her children. My aunt gazed a time with a raised eyebrow, as if expecting me to say something so I simply said a hi. Another awkward silence followed, I shifted uncomfortably in my place and wondered what more was expected of me.

Mira suddenly decided to interrupt the silence and came up to me before my aunt could stop her. She gave me a warm hug as she said hi. Aunt quickly pulled her back and chastised her, saying, "Did I not tell you to not talk to her? I told you this morning and you ought to have heard already!"

Giving me a subtle wink, Mira nodded. My aunt then turned to me and said, "You are not to talk to any one of my children or play with them unless they address you first. Now we are going to leave so Anne to show you your room."

My aunt suddenly did something that shocked me. She produced whistle from her pocket and blew it. My jaw dropped as I heard a shrill whistle followed by two shorter ones. My aunt started to walk up the stairs and my cousins followed in single file behind aunt as they marched up the stairs in unison. 

As soon as they disappeared from our sight, Anne yelled "Betsy Sullivan, come over here!"

"I'm back again," Betsy greeted. "Let me show your room for the next few years. Follow me."

Betsy led me to the red carpeted spiral staircase and I was already on the first step when she said, "No, not up there. Your room is here." She pointed at the direction of a vase on a tall white sodden chair. Thinking that she was joking, I laughed and said, "I think that I'm slightly too big to live in on a flower petal, although I would love the smell." 

Betsy gave me quizzical look and asked, "Whaaaa?" 

"Could you please just show me my room or do something?" I demanded as I walked up the stairs, thinking that my room was up there.

I was already near the top when I looked back and saw that Betsy was still where she was. She said, "Come on down, your room is not up there? Remember that you're not allowed on the second floor at any time!"

With an exasperated sigh, I clambered back down, demanding, "I know, just go show me my room."

"It is here, Mia. You see the small doorknob behind the table? Yup, you're living behind there because Madam ordered you to," she said with a slight frown on her face. 

I asked, "Wait what? I'm living behind there? Is my aunt just going to pretend I don't exist? I'm just going to live behind the wall until I graduate from high school and no one is ever going to know I live here?" 

Betsy looked at me and said apologetically, "You get an A+ for accuracy, sorry about this though..." 

I watched, dumbfounded, as she moved the narrow table covering the doorknob to the side. She turned to me again and said, "Whenever you're coming out of this place, you'll have to be very careful to not knock over the flower vase or else your aunt would be furious. Alright? Anyways, let me find the key which I hope I did not lose again..." She trailed off as she rumaged her pockets, trying to find the key. 

"Erm, should I help you?" I asked, unsure of what to do. 

"TADAAA! I found it," Betsy said victorously while holding a key in her hand. 

"Congrats," I murmured.

Betsy started doing a random dance that reminded me of Shay, whom I missed terribly. After she camed down, she inserted the key into the keyhole and the door was opened. I saw blackness before me and a smell of dust reached my nose. I crinkled my forehead in confusion, wondering why it did not look like a room. 

Suddenly, it hit me like a train filled with elephants.

This was a freaking basement.


Hey! So here's the new chapter, I hope you enjoyed it... Maybe you'll like it so much that you'll press the vote button? Yup, that was me asking you to vote if you like the chapter. (:

The picture quote on the side was made by me and is pretty random because wanted to put something but did not find anything, haha. 

Anyways, byeeeee!

Two Worlds, One Girl (on hold)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt