Chapter Two

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“Donc qu'est-ce que vous en pensez?” He asked softly, the accent rolling off his tongue perfectly. I blinked a couple of times, not understanding a word of it, He then realised who he was dealing with and chuckled slightly. Beginning his sentence again I heard the faint American accent creeping up on his words as he talked in English. “So, what did you think?” His eyes hiding behind the thick framed sunglasses.

 “Amazing, a little on the sad side but then again the best pieces of music tend to be.” I gave my opinion honestly, in my head it was a compliment. The player brought up his sunglasses and made focused eye contact. His eyes were stunning. Dull, hazel shades spread out like muddy puddles in fall and the process of thought from my statement showed as a glimmer in the man’s pupils. Smiling broadly, almost child-like, the man ran his fingers through the side of his hair and chuckled again,

“Really?” His tone was surprised, and pleased. “That’s pretty observant for a first timer; I’m Gerard, Gerard Way.” His smile becoming infections, in addition of his gentleman-like mannerism.

“Ah well, I must have a good ear for great music” I winked, catching him blush for a nanosecond. “I’m Frank Iero, me and my friend James just rented an apartment down the street.”  

Gerard brought a cigarette to his mouth and responded, “Oh really? I live in that block too!” flicking his hand for emphasis Gerard’s American accent flourished again, “It’s a nice area, although I don’t think the rooms are big enough but then again, I tend to be the most un-organised person on the planet.”

First impressions, I liked him, he had a down to earth personality yet from the few moments I had eye contact I could see his mind brimming with thoughts and a sense of imagination well beyond anything sane. I wanted to get to know Gerard. I felt drawn to him subconsciously, like it was something I had to do, something I needed to do. If I didn’t I would miss something I’d never get back.

“Uh, Frank? You haven’t said anything for the past 7 minutes.” I had lost track again. My early grade teachers picked up on my very short attention span and often told my parents I was ‘constantly away with the fairies’ Old habits die hard.

“Um yeah sorry, I was going to ask if you wanted to grab a coffee some time.” Almost stuttering I flashed a smile to the musician, who threw his hands around in delight showing another baby-like smile at which I blushed.

“I’d love to!” Another wink crept onto his face, “Consider it a sort of house welcoming. Stick with me Iero, I’ll show you everything.” Gerard held his arm out courteously and led me down the street, back to the block of apartments. I found it rather fruity and spirited.

“You’re strange Gerard” I joked, laughing together as if we had known each other since high school, Gerard made small talk about what else he did apart from music. He was an artist and had lived In France for two years when graduating at art school. He seemed to be really interested when I gave my story in the photography business for various indie bands and photography shows. Gerard also had some bizarre ideas, but no matter how strange and out of the ordinary they were, to some it would seem mad, insane even. But to me it was genius.

“I’ll swing by tomorrow morning for that coffee then, Frank.” Gerard chirped, clicking the ‘K’ on the end.

“Sure thing” I waved goodbye as he disappeared up the next set of stairs to the darkened part of the apartment block.

The nerves of moving to a new country had passed by and were long gone, a new wave of nerves and a thrill of passion now began to bubble in my stomach. All over some stranger I had only just met in the street. However my mom had always said I was a go-getter at heart, underneath all the shyness and anxiety over the years, if I became interested in something I would launch every ounce of effort and work into it. So I decided, fuck it.

“You seem cheery.” James was balancing on a pile of dusty boxes trying to hang up his Circle Jerks poster on the sickly yellow painted wall of our apartment. I chuckled to myself.

I happen to have found my new photography project, his name is Gerard, he’s an artist and lives above us but he also plays piano down the street. I’m having coffee with him tomorrow” I was gushing already; to my relief James had his back to me.

“Well then, you seem to move on quickly, poor Todd.” James laughed, turning round I shot him an instant dark glare.

“Dude, I was joking. Todd was a dick.” His tone became half serious and I relaxed a little. I really did not want to talk about, or even think about, Todd ever again.

“Ha, yeah he was. Anyway I’m gonna go hit the sack. I have a date tomorrow” Giggling to myself and James in a light hearted manor, I walked to my temporary room. It had an aroma of stale beer and cigarettes, circulating my nostrils and giving me a sense of nostalgia for the days spent in my grandparents’ house in my carefree and younger days. In a way it was comforting and helped me drift off to a short, yet deep sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2014 ⏰

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