Sisters: Preparations

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Chapter 10

King Damiron of the Infinisapien's sat on a chair around a large round table. Next to him was Emperor Ablison of the Omnisapiens. Then there was King Antonium of the Deusapiens. Then Empress Aeltrix, the daughter of the deceased Matrixian Emperor and heir to the throne. Next to her was Queen Alemba of the Angelusapiens. Surrounding them were Knights or generals of each of each of the groups. There sitting were also the Elemental Gods of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, and Shadow.

"The Fire God is looking at me funny," said Flame, who was one of the Infinisapien Knights. Temporis was next to him, along with the other Knights or generals.

"Maybe because of you relation to fire," said Temporis, "And because the two swords strapped on your back."

"Yeah," whispered Flame. They went silent as King Damiron spoke.

"You all know why we are here today," said King Damiron.

"Of course. Two of your kind have gone feral," said Emperor Ablison of the Omnisapiens. He was a tall man, around eight feet tall. His whole body was covered in a dark green armor, and the helmet had six eye holes that glowed green. He wore black cape with the Omnisapien crest on it colored green. The dark armor had many spikes on the shoulders, and a large one on top of the head.

"You must understand, it wasn't out own doing. Those two had been sent weakened to an Infiniversal Prison. Their escape had nothing to do with their Infinisapien power," said King Damiron.

"Ablison, the threat now is beyond your petty squabbles. We can sense the power coming off those two," said Empress Alemba. She wore a black gown with a spiked black crown. Her skin was completely red, and her eyes were purple.

"And what power do they have?" asked King Antonium.

"Their power is from somewhere else. It belongs to the Snake Of Apocalypse. Melanchulus. His foul presence can be felt everywhere," said Empress Alemba.

"If what you speak is true, then we have no chance of winning," said the Fire God. While he was only half as powerful as an Infinisapien, as long as he was fighting alongside with the rests of the Elemental Gods, he was twice as strong as any of the people at that table.

"Not quite," said Empress Aeltrix. Her demeanor was quite serious. Since her father died, she had become the new ruler of the Matrixians. She was an Alpha Matrixian, with five crests on her head, and the middle one being smaller than the rest.

"And what plan would you have, matrixian?" asked the Shadow Goddess.

"Our species has been experimenting with many things for a long time. Many are to counter Melanchulus' power," said Empress Aeltrix.

"And has any of those experiments shown any success?" asked King Damiron.

"We haven't been able to test them. But we have one that is surely going to work," said Empress Aeltrix.

"What does this seal require?" asked King Damiron.

"From what our tests have seen, we require two souls, and to weaken the enemy as much as we can," said Empress Aeltrix.

"Two souls! What have you Matrixians been experimenting on!" said Emperor Ablison.

"Nothing for you to worry about Omnisapien..." said Empress Aeltrix.

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