Does BFF mean best friends for-now?

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A really big fear is, would my friends ever leave me? Looking back I had different best friends. Over the years they changed, different names words and faces. Some aren't still in my mind. My friends I care about and I love them. In twenty years, will you think of me? Will you miss me? Will you worry for me? Or are we just friends for now. Will you stay with me? Do you understand me? Do you care for me? Will you remember me? Will you stand by me, and protect me? Please. When I'm in that rough state I'm so rarely in will you help me?
We've been close friends for years and years now, half of my life at least. And I was always loyal. I was always there for you. My trust and heart are for you. But are you always looking for a better friend? Someone more popular, someone more confident. Someone not like me. You act like I'm never good enough, but I'm always there for you. When the world hates you, I'm always around. When no ones there I'm the shoulder you cry on. We've had our moments, the good the bad. I know everything about you, the good and the bad. Are we best friends forever, or best friends for now? You act more distant day by day and I don't know if I'm still that shoulder, that support beam. Do you honestly care about me and respect me?
The idea my friends will leave me is heart breaking, head aching. Do they freaking respect me? Sometimes they don't laugh at my jokes. Do they think I'm a joke? Or do they not just understand. They are there for me. But are they really? I never know what kind of BFF you are. Please by my friend forever.
You act different and moody all the time. I haven't know you long, but I've known you for a lifetime. Along the way there is times I don't understand you, when I can't read you. Do you actually want to be my friend? Ive never known the answer. You seem like a stone, solid and cold. But you are there for me. But you don't speak openly to me. I can hear the lies and the way you think about me. Your wild. But your sweet. Kind of like a raspberry. You drift and drift away, and sometimes I can't get you back. I try talking to you, but it's like you're not listening. You are my best friend, one of them. How long will we be friends? How long will this continue? You mean a lot to me and your emotions come in waves. Sometimes I don't know who you are, or what your going for
When I leave will you call on my birthday? Or will you turn away? Do you care for me? Or when it comes to I are you care free? Will I remember you in the year to come? Or will you just be a memory? Are we going to be friends forever?
You have been gone for awhile now. We were close as could be. I haven't had a conversation since you left. And then you came back. My joy was flowing and I was happy. Then you showed up, gave me a hug, and turned away. Were we just friends for then? Are we even friends now? Will we ever be friends like before, again?
We are friends for a short while now, and I feel like it's just the start of a great friendship. We have so much in common, from our favourite things to our secret opinions. We're practically the same and we get along well. But we don't have the same opinion on a big issue, a very important one. Could this lead to the end? I hope not because I really care about you. Your one of my closest friends. I feel like you will guide me threw this problem I have, the one I feel lost with. The connection I never had. But still I doubt you. Each day you seem like you don't respect me. You stay silent sometimes when I want a conversation. Do you feel the way I feel about that one person who drives me up the wall? The one who annoys me most. Maybe your just lost in thought. I know you think a lot and your thoughtful. Maybe your in a day dream. But what if I'm not right and I'm not wrong? What if it's something else? I hope you care about me as a friend, as much as I do. I hope I hope I hope.
I never knew if you actually liked me. Still, I'm uncertain. I think you're my friend. But how can I be sure? One person that makes me think these thoughts to there maximum isn't one I'm close too. At least not anymore. We were close now we are far apart. We have different friends. Yours are mean. Mind are kind, at least I think. Now I don't know where we stand. Their are two people I know I'll be friends with forever. One of them, I don't talk to everyday. Yet when we do it's like we never left. I miss them but I know they actually like me. The other is someone I talk to everyday. We are impossibly close. And I know we'll never drift. Yet I have to wonder, will this continue or will it change? I have to wonder when I leave when I go, will we still talk, will we be close? It hurts to think you don't like me. It's physically painful, sometimes I want to cry. Sometimes I'm a emotional wreck, and I hide it. Why? Their is one person I know had caused this change, these thought. We were young and we'd play every dam day. First day of school I ran up to you happily we were together. Then you looked at me oddly. Then we weren't friends, more like strangers, We talk every once in a while, but not as friends. I miss you and I know you're responsible for me feeling insecure. I wish everyone would treat me with respect, with kindness in their eyes. But I know it's not true. I want my friends to be mine forever and ever, even when we grow up and forget. But I know we are just friends for now. I want them to like me and care for me forever, but it must be false. When I fly off, how can I know I have stability? I'm still young. What if my friends aren't mine forever? When I watch a movie I select one character I know won't die to root for and not care when others die, but I can't do that in real life. I can't pick one person to hold as a friend and ignore the rest. I love them all as my friends and I hope I'll hold onto them forever. They have my back and are real friends, I think. But I have to know. Are you my best friend forever, or just my best friend for now?

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