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Meant to be presented as spoken word

I might be
Disregarded, and pushed away
told I'm sinning For living
My every day

My feelings are called a messed up illness
Is my image worth a life of pain?
To you, maybe, Yes...
But that's not how I see it

And you'll never know how I feel
Slipping away to find the place where I know I have to
Watch my step, walk fast, don't pace, to somewhere I can't show my face

Where I hate everything that made me make the choice
Which door?
There are two doors, which one do I walk through?
Does this define my life? Where I pee? Does it define you?

They tell you that who you think you are is sub par
When those pronouns cause tears
when they think you can't here
Because they don't seem to understand

You are still you
You did not change
You found something to make you more comfortable
With the body you came in

Just because I like to look a certain way
Yes, I do care what name you say
I am a human, I am not some stray
You cannot slap a label on me and assume it's okay

I'm still the same me
I should not  have to pay
Because I want to change
The words you can't unsay

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