Chapter 2 - Something isn't Right

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Marie ~

An alarm beeps in the morning. Marie of the squid sisters rolls over to check the time.

'6:00 already? Ugh'

I was groggy and sleep deprived. I had been back home at Calamari County signing autographs and giving presentations about my latest kimono designs, I wasn't ready to head over to my new job guarding my post in octo canyon.

Ever since gramps...well...disappeared for his underground "project"...Callie and I had to guard the sewer entrance to the Canyon and the Square.

'Where is Callie? She may be an early bird but it's not like her to leave before me.'

I decided not to think about it. She probably went with Iris to go get breakfast or something.

I walked out of the small apartment me and Callie shared. On the deck, I could see the big flatscreen T.V. In the square. Since it was exactly 6:00, the new girls Pearl and Marina, were giving their first report of the day. I watched them. They were a horror show. What even! Me and Callie were so much better!

Don't get cooked! Please! Stay fresh was much better, and not as long and dumb! Amateurs.

As they closed up, I walked back into the apartment, and shut the screen door. Callie still wasn't anywhere to be found. I didn't see her when I skimmed the crowds for her and Iris. 

Oh well. I guess I'll see her there.

I pulled off the tank top I was wearing and threw on my traditional clothing. First the mint green and grey fleece shirt. Then my kimono and sashes. I sold hundreds of these over the weekends. But none were as special as this one. None of those silly designs were hand sewn by mom.

None of them had Callie's hand print stained onto them either.


Aunt Coral! Look! Marie and I are finger painting! See? See!?

That's sweet of you girls. Now, Callie...don't get your hands the fabric....

Ah! Sorry Coral...sorry Marie...

It's okay Callie! Now I can remember you always when I'm big enough to wear this one day! See, I'll do it too!

*End Of Flashback*

As I straightened the skirt of my kimono, I brushed the little hand print marked by Callie, and the one I did myself.


I grabbed my parasol and walked to the post, excited to see Callie again for the first time in a long time.

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