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"I must say. You've really lost your touch Sasuke." You called as you whipped your hand having it scratch Sasuke's face having a line of blood trickle from it,

"Humm. To bad i was aiming for your neck. But after all like she said I haven't had any training in a while." You called before Sasuke slammed into you as he sat on top of you holding your hands down.

"(Your Name) Please wake up." Sasuke called as you went wide eyed.

"Sa- Sasuke." You croaked out as Sasuke released your hands.

"(Your Name)" Sasuke called as you reached your hands to his checks.

"You came for me." You whispered with tears in your eyes.

"Always." Sasuke called as you started laughing.

"That's so cute. You're quite the gullible one." You called smiling as you pulled out a kunai. Sasuke pushed you bach as you did a summer sault catching his heel in the back as you lept back. Sasuke sucked in a breath as you smirked standing.

"Kinda hard to stand or fight with an injury like that. You'd be able to walk if you had a broken bone. I didn't tear it but a slicked tendon like that. Well I think this ends here." You called as you walked over standing over Sasuke.

"I'm going to enjoy this." You called as you grabbed Sasuke's wrist and he screamed.

"That's a girl from the friend you burned earlier. They using your chakra now." You called as Sasuke looked to his wrist feeling like they were on fire as he saw seals cover his wrist.

"(Your Name) Please You have to fight whatever they did to you." Sasuke called as you smiled.

"You're mistaken. This isn't something she an fight. He litterly erased the (Your Name) You know from existence. Kinda hard for her to fight off whatever you think it is when her memories are all that remain." You called as Sasuke went wide eyed.

"What are you saying? I don't understand." Sasuke called as you smiled.

"This is the new me. Nothing can change that. I've changed but I still remember. I remember being in love with you. I remember the mission before you left the village. I remember how happy I was when Ryosuke was born. I remember everything. This is the new me. So sorry to disappoint." You called as you saw tears start to brim Sasuke's eyes.

"How cute." You called as you placed your hand on Sasuke's chest before pushing him back as he fell from the tree. Once I've got you clinging to life. I'll take your eyes. Then... Ryosuke will be next." You called walking towards Sasuke.

~ Ryosuke ~
"Hey Kakashi-sensei. What was that back there with Sasuke?" Sakura asked as Kakashi averted his eyes.

"It was nothing he was just asking to make sure to keep Ryosuke safe." Kakashi called as Ryosuke walked up with his tear stained face.

"You're lying... He's asking you to plan for the worst scenario." Ryosuke called as Kakashi's eye widened an inch.

"What are you talking about? Worst scenario?" Naruto asked as Ryosuke clenched his fist.

"If Sasuke can't bring Mother back he's going to kill her... And then himself.. He asked you to take care of me and teach you didn't he.. Since you have the sharingan in your other eye." Ryosuke called as Naruto stopped.

"What? No. He couldn't. That's not-" Naruto rambled before Kakashi Stopped walking as he lifted his headband showing his sharingan.

"Ryosuke." Kakashi called before he disappeared into a puff of smoke.

"Shit. He went back for Sasuke and (Your Name)!" Kakashi called as everyone turned around running back.

"Damn it Ryosuke. You're just like that arrogant bastard running off on your own. Please... Be okay." Naruto called as everyone ran back.

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