I'm not lying but you won't believe me

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Neal coughed in his hand as he made his way to Peter's car that was waiting for him at a crime scene. He climbed in and watched Peter talk to some other FBI agent. Neal's been coughing the whole day but he knew he was not sick. He never got sick. He's never been sick before. Peter climbed in the car next to him and drove away. Normally the two would banter about the radio but Neal was feeling too bad to start, so he just leaned his head against the cold window and closed his eyes. Peter looked at his CI and frowned but didn''t question it. He figured he's just pouty because they're dealing with another Caffrey case or because he got called into work at five this morning.

Peter pulled up in front of the FBI building and the two entered the building, Neal tagging a bit behind Peter because his head was starting to hurt even worse and he was feeling nauseous. 'C'mon Neal, we've got a case to finish and a bad guy to catch' Peter said, now getting irritated with his CI's behaviour. Neal sighed but nodded and followed his handler into the elevator. He rubbed his head as the pounding got worse. 'I don't feel well' he muttered as he leaned against the wall to keep him steady. Peter sighed. 'Quit the act Neal' he snapped. Neal just ignored him. Why couldn't Peter see that he really was sick? The elevator dinged, signalling them to get out. Neal walked to his desk and sat down quickly while Peter walked past him to his office. Neal placed his head on the table and closed his eyes. All that noise around him wasn't helping his headache and his stomach was protesting with the lunch he'd had. He could feel a set of eyes on him and when he looked up he saw Diana looking at him with worry. He softly shook his head, trying to convince her that he was just tired but she didn't believe him. She walked over to him and sat on his desk. 'What's wrong Caffrey?' she asked. 'I'm just tired' he smiled at her. 'Neal' she warned. 'No really I'm fine' he lied again, this time sounding much more sure about it. Diana sighed but nodded and returned to her desk, but she planned on keeping an eye on the con man for the rest of the day.

After his conversation with Diana, Neal had been pretending to be fine to everyone in the office. He didn't want to upset Peter by making him think he's still acting sick. He was already on his bad side with the treasure and he didn't want to make it worse. 'Neal' he heard his name being called and looked up to see Peter giving him the finger point. He sighed and placed his hat on the small statue on his desk, then slowly walked to Peter's office. His head was starting to hurt more with every step he took and he started to see black dots. He grabbed the railing from the stairs tightly and stumbled with the first few steps. 'We don't have all day Neal' he heard Peter call out to him. So he took one more step before his legs gave out. Everything turned black around him and he fell, his head hitting the stairs. His body slid down the stairs like a rag doll, the noise causing the other agents to look up. Jones was the first person to react. He sprinted to Neal's limp body and checked for a pulse. 'Diana, call an ambulance. His pulse is weak' he commanded, feeling Neal's forehead. 'Crap, he's burning up' he muttered. Peter stormed down the stairs after he realized what happened. 'Ambulance is on their way' Diana announced. Peter scooped Neal up in his arms and together with Jones and Diana they made their way downstairs. He placed Neal down on the cold concrete and placed his jacket under his head. He cursed when he felt the heat radiate from his CI's head and started to feel bad. Neal wasn't lying about being sick, and now he was unconscious. 'Relax boss, Neal will be alright' Diana assured him as they waited on the ambulance. 'I should've listened to him' Peter muttered. Jones placed his hand on his bosses shoulder. 'Don't worry Peter' he sighed.

Soon the ambulance pulled up in front of them and Peter placed Neal on a stretcher. The paramedics lifted Neal in the ambulance and Peter climbed in next to them.

Back at the hospital Peter was waiting in the waiting room with Neal's bald headed friend. Don't ask how Mozzie knew because he just showed up. A doctor walked over to the two making Peter look up. 'How is he?' he asked. 'He's lucky. If you weren't here when you were he would've been worse. He's got a concussion but we managed to break his fever. He's still asleep but he should wake up soon. Make sure to keep him off of his feet for at least a week and until he's feeling better' the doctor explained. 'Alright, thank you doctor' Peter said as he followed Mozzie to Neal's room.

There he laid, with plastic tubes connected to his body and in a hospital gown. It made him look so vulnerable. Peter sat next to him and Mozzie did the same, both on one side of the bed. 'How did you get here?' Peter asked. 'Lady Suit called' Mozzie said without looking up from his friend's face, referring to Diana. Neal's eyes fluttered open with a groan but closed again almost immediately. Mozzie closed the curtains quickly, making the room less bright. 'What happened?' Neal croaked softly. 'You fainted' Mozzie answered before Peter got the chance. 'Moz, can Neal and I talk alone?' Peter asked making Mozzie leave the room. 'I'm sorry Neal, I should've believed you' Peter said. Neal smiled. 'You should've, you know I never lie to you' Neal said, grimacing from the pain in his head. 'I know' Peter sighed. 'Hey, I'm alright, stop making yourself feel worse' Neal assured. Peter smiled softly and nodded at his friend's words. 'What did the doctor say?' Neal asked as he felt the bandage around his head. 'You've got a concussion and need to stay off of your feet for at least a week. So I talked to El and you're staying at our place' the FBI agent said. 'You don't have to-' Neal started but Peter cut him off. 'No complaining. We are taking care of you until you're better.'

And that's what the Burkes did and within two weeks, Neal was back to his old self.

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