Mistaken identity (part three)

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Someone asked for Blaine to make an appearance, so here you go : ) 

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The world felt like it was at Neal's feet as he walked through New York, both his brothers at his side.

It had been so long since they'd all been together and seeing the stares they got was definitely worth the wait.

Almost every person they passed in the street seemed to stare at the brothers and Neal wasn't the only one enjoying it.

"Man, I missed getting these reactions." Cooper laughed after they passed two elderly ladies.

"Don't start." Bryce rolled his eyes, obviously less amused by the attention.

"Oh, c'mon Brycie. You know you love the attention." Neal teased, pulling open the door to Cooper's favourite restaurant.

"Yeah, Bryce. You always loved the attention. Even worse than Neal."

Bryce rolled his eyes again. "The difference between me and Neal, and you might I add," he eyed Cooper as he slid into the booth across from him. "-is that I grew up."

"Hurtful." Neal said at the same time that Cooper said, "Debatable."

Bryce sighed. "I hate you guys." He opened his menu, ignoring the pleased looks on his older brothers' faces.

"Cooper?" a voice spoke up.

Neal turned his head to where it came from and saw a young man walking towards their table.

"Bryce?" the man asked, his voice shocked.

"Blaine." Bryce breathed out, his eyes wide.

"Blaine, what are you doing here?" Cooper asked, placing his menu down.

Neal looked at Bryce, then at Cooper and then at Blaine.

"Nationals are in New York this year." He replied as if that made everything make sense before glancing at Neal with a curious expression.

Neal frowned and cleared his throat.

"Oh, right!" Cooper grinned. "Blainers, this is Danny, our other brother. You remember the stories we told you about him, right?"

Blaine nodded, eyeing Neal.

Neal just stared at his older brother, his eyebrow raised, waiting for a further explanation.

"When you left, Danny, mum remarried. She had Blaine about a year after you left." Bryce filled in.

Neal blinked. "Wait, what?" he mumbled, staring at his brothers in shock. "And you didn't think it important to tell me about this?" he turned to Bryce, glaring.

"We didn't have contact, Danny!" Cooper said.

"Bryce did!" Neal exclaimed making Cooper glare at Bryce as well.

"Hey! You insisted we don't tell Coop about that!" Bryce shot back.

A cough caught their attention and Neal saw that Blaine was watching them with an amused expression on his face.

"We'll talk about this later," Cooper grumbled. "I can't believe you guys."

Bryce rolled his eyes. "Blaine, why don't you join us for lunch? Get to know Danny."

Blaine nodded but narrowed his eyes. "I'm still mad that you let us think you'd died."

Neal chuckled. "Oh yeah, he's definitely a part of the Caffrey gene."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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