"That's great, you have some down time to unwind, and you really do need it."

"Exactly what I was thinking but I couldn't decide what I wanted to do."

"Hmm, well you could take a walk or why don't you do the spa thing, get a massage, a steam bath, the hot rocks the whole she bang." I smiled thinking that he really did know me very well.

"Well all of that was on my to do list, but I think I will do the walk first, I need to clear my head."

"Sisi...is something bothering you, I mean besides being kidnapped an all, before you left it seemed like you had come to terms with it and was feeling more at peace."

"Yes I am, no it's not about the kidnapping."

"Well if you are worried about Kate don't be, we had dinner last night because she needed to talk and I think she is feeling better, she even agreed to go to church with me tomorrow, and I didn't even suggest it, she asked me."

"Oh that's wonderful, I guess I will meet you guys there then, but no I am not too worried about Kate any more I am leaving the situation in the hands of the Lord."

"Meet us there, why would you do that, I will come get you from the airport then I will take you both to church with me."

"Oh thanks so much Chris I didn't want to have to wake you so early to get me, I will be coming in around 5:30am."

"Oh come on Sisi, you know that I got you, well if it's not Kate or the kidnapping what's bothering you? Would you like to talk about it?"

"Normally I would but while talking to you I just realized that I have not spoken to the one person who I know will be able to help me, God."

"Well I am glad you have someone to talk to, if you need me you know where to find me, I have to run, have to head to court. I will call you tonight to get your flight information, and then I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning."

"Ok Chris thanks again and I will get all the info you need by tonight when we talk again. Have a great day in court."

"Thanks, talk to you soon, bye."


After I hung up the phone I was feeling sort of giddy from our conversation, I mean I loved talking to Chris but the thought that came to me while we were speaking was to take my situation to the Lord, I am sure he will lead me in the right direction, I just had to trust him.

I decided to go for a walk first then come back and pray, then get a massage; I almost skipped out the door with how excited I was feeling.

While on my walk I took in the sites and talked to God as I went along, my phone rang again and when I looked at the id I frowned, it was Eric and I was normally very happy to see his name pop up on my phone but after everything happened I no longer got butterflies when he called.

Something was telling me that just by reaction to the calls which way my heart was leaning, I knew what I needed to do, and it wasn't going to be easy but it had to be done, I deserved to be happy and so did Eric.

"Hey what's up?" I answered as sweetly as possible.

"Hi love, how are you doing today?" at the mention of love I felt a little uncomfortable but didn't let it show in my voice.

"I am fine, just out for a walk at the moment, relaxing and enjoying the sites."

"Oh that sounds fun, is your conference over or are you on break?"

"Yes, it's over we ended early so I have the day to myself to unwind and will be back home tomorrow morning early."

"Oh that's wonderful I can't wait to see you, I will come get you from the airport, what time is your flight?"

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