Chapter 1: Betrayal

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(Percy Jackson POV)

All I felt was hurt. No, scratch that, I felt hurt, pain, regret, anger, and pretty much every negative emotion out there. There was nothing left for me here. Camp Half-Blood, my home for almost all my life, was nothing but memories now.

Flashback, 1 year ago, Half-Blood Hill

I was covered in dust. No, not sand dust, monster dust. I had just defeated a hoard of 15 hellhounds while I protected another two demigods. They looked a little bit younger than me, and had looked almost exactly like me. Raven black messy hair, sea green eyes that sparkled when the sun shone. There was one boy and one girl, they looked to be twins.

I had just gotten rid of all the monsters when the two kids stepped into camp, only to be immediately claimed by, that's right, Poseidon. I was excited at first. I mean, Cabin 3 gets pretty lonely, so who wouldn't want some company? On the other hand, I got mad at Poseidon for breaking the oath again. Plus, he was married! I thought he would have stayed loyal to Amphitrite. That's not the point, stupid ADHD.

Anyway, we got into camp, and the rest of the Seven came rushing towards us, seeing that I was covered in dust. I was about to explain, and then...

"You COWARD! How could you have let us fend for ourselves while you just stood there? New people here at this camp, you seeming experienced, and you do nothing?" The boy shouted, obviously directed towards me.

"I-wait, what? Me a coward? I'm over here, covered in the dust of our enemies, while you stand with your sister perfectly clean? There is no way that could have happened. Annabeth?" I asked, looking to my girlfriend for support.

Thankfully, she helped me out. "There is no way you defeated all of the monsters with your sister while Percy stood off to the side. First off, his fatal flaw is loyalty, he physically can not stand by and watch as someone else gets hurt. Second, he IS covered in monster dust, while you're spotless. I'm sorry, whoever you are, but I don't believe you."

"I am Richard Brenan, and this is my sister, Camille," the boy, Richard, retorted.

"Well, whoever you are, let's get you situated. Pipes, Jace, can you go find Chiron and tell him to set up orientation video? Child of Poseidon version," I asked. At that, the Seven gasped. I gave them look that said 'I'll tell you later' and they went.

"Thanks for sticking up for me, Wise Girl," I said, smirking into those captivating gray eyes.

"Seaweed Brain, I'll always stick up for you," she laughed. Unfortunately, that didn't happen.

~~Time Skip~~6 months ago, Camp Bonfire~~

For the past 6 months, I had been getting along fairly well with my new siblings. In public that is. At night, alone, it was almost as bad as Tartarus. Richard decided that if he couldn't be the best at this camp, the one that was could not be happy.

He kicked me, badmouthed me, and beat me until I was sore. It honestly reminded me of *shudder* Smelly Gabe. After he went to sleep every night, Camille comforted me and told me that he had done this to her too. Together, we snuck out of the cabin every night and went down to the lake to heal ourselves so that no one would suspect anything. The patrol harpies noticed once, but once they saw what we were doing, they left us alone.

We, Camille and I, were at the bonfire one night, trying to figure out a way to escape our nightly torture, when something strange happened. And it wasn't your run-of-the-mill demigod strange, no, this was a horrifying strange. Annabeth was up onstage smiling so bright it could've made Apollo look dull. Then she made an announcement that shocked me, and most everyone, to their core.

"I, Annabeth Chase, am breaking up with Percy Jackson. I found someone so much better, and I am so thankful for you," at this everyone was holding their breath, "Jason Grace."

Chaos erupted. Jason came up on stage to join Annabeth, also smiling, and they started to make out. Piper burst into tears, and I think I made a tsunami. Richard, or as Camille and I started calling him, Dick, was standing in a dark corner with a smug smile on his face. Something tells me that he had a hand in this. I hoped that everything would settle down soon, and I convinced Piper to stay for a little bit instead of running off to Gods know where.

~~Time skip~~Present day~~Dining Pavilion~~

It's been 6 months since Annabeth and Jason betrayed Piper and I, and nothing has gotten any better. I talked to the harpies, and they are letting Camille and I camp outdoors at night instead of sleeping in the cabin with Dick. We are always up before Apollo races across the sky, and we pack up all of our things and hide them in the cabin before crawling into bed and pretending to sleep.

It's been a long, long year. And it's about to get worse.

Apparently, Dick has also been up at night, pranking people. Everyone knows that it isn't the Stolls, because they've been at the butt end of some pretty nasty things. Dick does the meanest things, and then blames Camille and me. Here is a list of some of the things he has done.

1.) Stole Nico's Stygian Iron Sword while he was asleep

2.) Painted the Big House a striking shade of vomit green

3.) Somehow managed to put makeup on everyone in the Ares cabin, using stolen makeup from the Aphrodite cabin

4.) Dyed Thalia's hair pink while the Hunter's were visiting

5.) Put sleep bombs in the Hypnos cabin; everyone who touches a bomb will get feathers stuck to their face for 24 hours

6.) Replaced the water in all of the showers with corn syrup

And much more.

And apparently, everything was mine, Camille's, and Piper's fault.

We protested, oh how we protested, but no one listened to us. Except for Leo, Leo was great.

After another month of this torture, we left. Me, my sister, Piper, and Leo.

Why Leo, you ask? Leo wasn't shunned, was he? Well, he was. The flamin' mcshizzle sided with us, so everyone turned against him. Anyway, we all left. In the middle of the night, we all packed our bags with the necessities; nectar, ambrosia, some drachmas, some mortal money, and some mortal food. We stored our bags in a little hollow right near the camp border, and left to get some more sleep. Probably the best sleep we were going to have in a while.

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