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side note: season 1 is all memory
because i'm getting tired of rewatching it.
sorry but not really.


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SHE WAS WORRIED. Emma wondered why she was worried in the first place. She couldn't help but wonder why her chest kept rising up and down. She felt like her heart was about to burst out of her chest.

What's happening? She thought. The twenty-nine year old looked around. It was her old apartment. The one she shared with Nathan. She knew she was dreaming. She just didn't know why she was dreaming about something that happened four years ago.

Emma was sitting on the couch. She was wearing a black dress with matching heels. The girl had remembered this night. It was the first night she was truly scared of him.

The young woman knew that her fiancé would be home any minute, wondering why dinner wasn't on the table. She wondered that herself. She always made sure dinner and desert were ready by the time Nathan got home.

When she heard the turn of the key and the door opened, Nathan's voice boomed throughout the apartment.

Once the abuser had found her, she started screaming. She didn't want to relive that pain. She was sobbing uncontrollably. Emma was smart enough to know that what was happening wasn't real. True, she had lived through this nightmare, but now? She knew it wasn't real.

Before Nathan had the chance to bring his hand down towards her cheek, she felt someone calling her name. Sebastian suddenly appeared and he was calling her.

He was telling her to wake up. Emma told herself to wake up. That she needed too.



When Emma woke up, she was breathing heavy. Her eyes were locked on the ceiling of the tent.

"Another dream?" Sebastian asked her as he pulled on his boots.

She just nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine." She told him and he just shook his head.

"This is why you should've—"

"Oh my god Seb, shut up with that stupid shit."

Emma's brother just put his hands up in defense and left the tent. The young woman put her hands to her face. She had a theory that since the world ended when no one expected it, anything was possible.

Meaning that Nathan could still be out there.

Emma shook the thoughts out of her head and changed into a pair of jeans with another clean t-shirt. She pulled her boots on and left the tent, heading out to do her daily chores.

She immediately headed towards the Rv, going to take a look at the medicine bin. There was a run today and that was the one time she was allowed to leave the quarry. Shane had trusted her with the medicine, making everyone else follow and do the same. One of the first things people shared was what they did before and Emma had shared honestly. She worked at the hospital as a nurse.

Emma looked around at the medicine, rummaging through everything and making a list of everything they needed.

She shoved the list in her back pocket and grabbed one of the bags off the Rv.

"You ready?" Glenn asked her as he pushed himself off of the Rv.

"Yeah. Whose coming this time?" She asked.

Glenn named off the list and Emma just nodded at each name. She was fine with whoever was there as long as they didn't make any trouble.

"And Merle, I think." Glenn told her and she sighed. Merle Dixon had always made trouble when they went on runs.

"Sorry, Shane didn't want him here alone when Daryl wasn't here."

Emma's head shot towards Glenn. "Where's Daryl going?"

"He said he was going hunting. Running low on food." Glenn replies, keeping his eyes on Emma even after she turned away.

When they reached the car, Sebastian was with Amy. Emma mentally cringed at the thought of them being together. She didn't like knowing that her little brother was growing up, even though Sebastian was twenty-three and had plenty of girlfriends in the past.

Emma looked around at the small group, seeing that they were all saying their goodbyes. Emma watched Merle and Daryl. Daryl was talking to his brother. Emma had no clue what about, but she knew it wasn't her right to butt in. Nathan would hate it when she joined in on conversations with his friends or even to look like she's listening in.

"Hey, you know lover boy over there is talkin' about you." Sebastian smirked as him and Amy walked over to where his sister was standing.

"You shouldn't listen in on conversations. It's rude." Emma had mocked Nathan's words in her head, reciting them as if they were her own.

"Whatever, Em. You need to let that shit go." He tells her and she rolls her eyes. Having enough of the conversation, Emma got into the passenger side of the car.


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