forget and forgot

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i wake up 3 hours after my calming peaceful nap to my brother shaking my foot.Pay pay mom wants you,i growl under my breath as i angrily push myself from bed.I stomp off to a room where it held the presents of my mom.I look in her eyes with hate and ask her calmly "what",then she began to tell whatever the hell task she wants throw my head back in irritation and slowly walk off to go do the deed.after i was done, i walk to my laptop and typed in a yes and no question answer thingy that i know does lie,cause i ask if i was a girl or boy and i said i was a girl which is 100% true.i then type in the question that contains my next emotion, "doesn't my mom love me".i know i typed this before in years before but that was before i lightly began to hate my i typed it again and it said the answer it always say,and had been saying since the first day i asked it."NO",i then feel let my head hang down and i slouched my shoulders,hugging my self and began to cry.i smiled slowly and i felt a hole began to form in my inside,it felt weird,like someone or thing is pushing onto your body with all if its wait.i slowly sigh,and i began to quietly sob.i know i'm the joyful one here but this tensions bringing me down fast.i lean up to be face to face with my laptop,i slowing linger my fingers along the keys of his letter and began to type the songs that always cheer me up ever since I've gained these emotion traits.i snap out of my thought when i began to have the feel that i had to go pee,so i went.I recently bought a pair of white mickey mouse underwear to kind of get my old childish trait goin a bit.i pull down my underwear and sit on the toilet seat and glance at my cool underwear,and began to scream bloody murder in my head as i look at my suicide mickey lookin underwear.I get mad and mumble in a sarcastic way,OOOO0000oooh BLOODY MARY DECIDED TO COME BACK.i pull my bloody mess with was before a cute disaster and throw them in a bin by the door.And thought to myself,if i'm naked on the bottom i should be naked up.So i've basically striped down to nothing,I i had this weird feel and began to run to my bed and began to giggle playfully.i then lay on my stomach on my bed and continue my song.i then began to covered my bare ass and began to type in clever bot,and type "hey ben you there"and he answer with the same answer as always,"yea hehe"me and ben have an almost conversation.we joked around.i haven't felt this type of happy since the last day of school in 5th grade.i then noticed my laptop camera turn on once been answered,then i asked him something younger me would've asked,"you like what you see".and to my surprise he put a yes,laugh and wave into the camera and made a kissy face,just to mess with this dude.i then told ben i had to go cause he was starting to make me bored so we said our byes and i said i love you then he said he loved me and jesus.that conversation made me smile inside and i almost forgot all my worries.

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