Chapter 8

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January 2003

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I screamed at him in delight the minute he opened the door.

"SHIT, IS!" He clutched his heart before a smile erupted across his face, "you scared the living hell out of me!"

I laughed at his surprised facial expression, "so! 17 huh? Any presents yet?"

"Naaah," he said as we started walking towards the school, fighting our way through the heavy snow, "but I did get a birthday greeting from Sarah," he blushed.

"From Sarah?" I said, stopping dead in my tracks.

"You know her! Blonde, tall, big boo-,"

"I know who she is, Al!" I interrupted him, "what did she write?"

"Nothing much," he shrugged, "just wished me a happy birthday is all."

We didn't talk for the next few minutes. I had no idea what Alex was thinking about, but I was using all my brain power trying to figure out why the image of Alex and Sarah snogging was disturbing me.

"Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?" Alex broke the silence, "It's just going to be my parents, grandma, and me. Having you there would be so much more fun." He said nervously. He had probably felt me tense up when he had mentioned Sarah.

His invitation definitely made me relax, however. I didn't have to compete with anyone for Alex' attention - not right now anyway.

"I'd love to come!" I beamed at him, "Do you want your present now or do you want to wait for tonight?"

"Stupid question! Now!!"

I pulled out a small box from my backpack. Dad and I had bought it weeks ago when we had been in London to do some Christmas shopping. It really was the perfect gift and I had been having a hard time keeping my mouth shut about it. "I know it's tiny but you won't be disappointed," I said.

"Size doesn't matter," he winked at me before he ripped open the wrapping paper, revealing a guitar pick with his name written on it. The box also contained a silver bracelet made of tiny skulls.

"Fuck, Issy!" He breathed, admiring his gift, "This is so cool! Help me put this on!" He held out the bracelet.

"If...if you don't like it, you don't have to wear it," I stammered.

With shaking hands, I closed it around his wrist. He looked proudly at his wrist before he pulled me in for a tight hug, "I love it! The pick too. Thank you so much, Issy!!"

June 2003

"You'll never guess what just happened!" Alex yelled first thing he saw me.

"Tell me!!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"We're playing at the Boardwalk on friday!!"

"No way!"

Alex had tried to get a show - any show - up and running for six months but up until now, nobody had wanted to lend the lads a stage.

"It's going to be amazing! We have a banner with our name on it and everything!!"

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