Chapter 9

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The next morning I definitely regretted my many beers. My eyes were burning, my throat was sore but it was nothing compared to my pounding headache. Without opening my eyes, I found my phone tugged away under my pillow and suddenly remembered that I had gone to sleep looking at Alex' Wikipedia page. I felt like a total fucking loser.. I had looked up his former girlfriends and had learned that he had split from one of them recently. I wondered if that was the true reason behind his current visit to Sheffield.

Feeling rather stupid for looking him up online instead of just asking him directly, I forced myself out from under the warmth of the duvet and pulled on my jeans with a yawn. I took a look at myself in the mirror and decided to just give up on my hair in advance. I stumbled downstairs to the nauseating smell of eggs and bacon.

"Morning sweetie," my mum called as she heard the bottom step of the stairs creek, "did you have fun last night?"

"Yes, it was nice seeing the lads again, I guess. Matt's having a baby, you know."

"Yes, Alexander told me. Matthew's parents must be ecstatic that they're going to be grandparents," she gave out a heavy sigh while shooting me a look.

"Don't go there, mum.."

"I know. I noticed you drank wine the other night," I heard her mumble before she continued in her normal voice, "I also heard that Jamie's getting married. I remember when you all used to eat popsicles and run around on the grass outside," she sighed once more, "now look at you. All grown up!" She patted my cheek.

I cleared my throat, "it's really nice of you to cook all this for me, mum, but I'm actually running late for work and my appetite is non-existant right now. I'll talk to you later, yeah?"

"Sure thing, darling," she gave me a quick peck on the cheek before I hurried to the bus stop.


I got home from work late in the afternoon. It had felt as if my head was going to explode all day, but by some miracle, it hadn't. I put on some Wu Tang Clan and threw myself down on the sofa with a large thump. Listening to Method Man, I almost dozed off but was ripped back to reality when my phone chimed in my back pocket.

Received at 04.57 p.m. from Unknown Number:
Hope this is still your number.
Also hope you're still alive.
Had fun last night - paying the price today, however.

I had deleted his number years ago but decided to save it again.

Sent at 05.02 p.m. to Turner:
This is Issy.
I'm barely alive today.
Felt like a zombie at work!
Worth it though

Received at 05.06 p.m. from Turner:
Definitely worth it.
Listen, I'm going downtown to pick up a pizza.
Wanna share?

Sent at 05.08 p.m. to Turner:
Share? Pizza? Have you just met me?
Bring me my own and I just might consider letting you in.

Sent at 05.08 p.m. to Turner:
I know you like your pizza with the devil's fruit...

Sent at 5.09 p.m to Turner
Btw. I can't believe you kept my number for six years, you creep!

Received at 05.10 p.m. from Turner:
Well, putting delicious pineapple on pizza
AND keeping my best friend's number.
What a creep! better run while you can!

Coming HomeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang