relationship aesthetic

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ISAK - hand holding, flowers, lazy days, halsey songs

CHRIS - parties, grey hoodies, long hugs, kanye west songs

WILLIAM - white clothes, mornings in bed, dancing in the rain, long car rides

YOUSEF - basketball games, cuddling, making forts, cute texts

EVA - baths, YouTube marathons, alcohol, cheek kisses

EVEN - forehead kisses, troye sivan music, hair caresses, movies

JONAS - sharing earphones, selfies, hand holding, bomber jackets

NOORA - red lipstick, stealing each other's clothes, cute texts, justin bieber

ELIAS - coffee dates, wrapped under the covers together, cuddling, kendrick lamar songs

[LOOK I ADDED MY TWO BABES! i honestly miss skam so much i've been rewatching it for the sixth time, plus all the new versions!]

[ what do you guys think of the new versions? i actually really like the french one but that may have to do with the fact that i'm french ]

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