Chapter 17

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Ross's POV:

Ross could not believe he just said that. He looked quickly around the room, hushing the phone to make sure no one else heard him. He was confused and didn't know what to think. He could not make up his mind; it seemed like he was in love with both women. Ross decided that Monica would know what to do about this situation.

After dinner, which he thought was delicious, Ross dialed his sister to let her know his feelings.

"Hi, Mon. It's Ross. How's it going?" Ross asked, listening to Chandler yelling at the TV in the background (the annual thanksgiving football game was on).

"It's good, Ross. But I don't have much time to talk; tonight's turkey is almost done, and then we're having you guys over tomorrow night before you go to Fi -are you still going?" Monica asked, alluding to their previous phone call.

"Yeah, we're still going to Fiji. We didn't spent ten grand for nothing," Ross sighed, finally getting to the real reason behind his call.

"Remember when I told you I was still in love with Rachel?" he said in a hushed tone, so only Monica could hear him, "Well, turns out my heart is split in two. I love both of them...I don't know what to do, Mon!" his hushed tone grew harsh in desperation and agony as his heart and mind tried to push through a difficult decision.

"Well, Ross, I'm going to tell you to follow your heart and see what it decides. I can't make the decision for you. You're a grown man now," she said in an exasperated tone, trying to invoke a quicker conclusion from Ross.

"Monica, I have no idea," Ross said, throwing his free arm in the air in frustration, "I guess the only thing I can do is sleep on it. I'll have to make a decision tomorrow at dinner,"

"Okay, Ross. I hope you can figure it out by tomorrow. I don't want the dinner to be the Rossatron show agai -I'm really sorry Ross, I have to go, the turkey's done and Chandler's work friends are here. Follow your heart!" Monica added frantically over the ringing over. There was a click as the line went dead.

Ross was more confused then ever.

Rachel's POV:

It was just another day in bumper to bumper traffic heading westbound on the I-78 Phillipsburg Newark expressway heading into Plainfield. Rachel was looking forward to the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend. It had been a long week with work, and she was looking forward to having the embrace of her kids the next few days. She was also looking forward to Monica's thanksgiving dinner, which of course was always delicious.

When she finally pulled up to the house, she was surprised to see another car parked in the driver. As she got out, grabbed her purse, and shut the door, she realized who the car belonged to -it was Ross's. She walked into the house, and it was completely silent. She walked around and around and could not find anyone. Her eyes landed on an envelope perched on the kitchen counter. A sense of fear and dread entered into Rachel's thoughts as she walked over to it.

Dear Rachel,

I arrived here and noticed that you hadn't yet, and I'm a bit distraught right now and I'm not sure what to think anymore.

I'm still in love you, Rachel. You're the most beautiful and caring woman I have ever met, and ever will meet. The problem is that I'm still in love with Julia. You probably didn't know this, but I was going to propose to her in Fiji. I took the kids to the Allegheny National Forest to go camping and get my mind off of everything. I'm not sure I'll be back in time for Thanksgiving dinner.



She didn't know what to think. Her emotions were all over the place. She was tired, and had just gotten home from work and now this? At first she was shocked, then scared, and then angry that he would just take the kids from her without her consent. She angrily dialed his cell. There was no answer, so she left a voicemail. She hastily popped her frozen dinner in the microwave and ate with the same haste before rushing out to her car to go to Pennsylvania. She was not expecting this to be her weekend.

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