Gift or Curse?

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"I don't think this is a good idea Ellie," Jack stared up at his best friend as she began climbing the 15 foot fence surrounding the warehouse.

"Come on Jack, don't be such a baby." He looked around nervously, his heart beating a million miles an hour. He whispered under his breath.

If the police find us here, we'll be the only 15 year olds in jail.

Jack glanced once more at the No Trespassing sign to his left, then he began climbing after Ellie. They hopped over the fence and carefully approached to old warehouse.

"Ellie!" Jack snapped. "We shouldn't be here, someone's going to see us!"

Ellie walked over to him and grabbed his pale, icy hands. "Jack, no one is here, live a little!"

The teens began wandering around the warehouse, and exploring each room. They walked around for about ten minutes before finding what Ellie had been searching for.

"There it is Jack, I told you that it would be here!" About 15 feet ahead of them lay a small brown chest. "That's it! We finally found it!" Ellie squealed.
"Jack, help me open it!" Jack grabbed a brick and smashed the lock.

"You ready?" Jack asked.

Ellie replied, "Ready as I'll ever be." They both carefully lifted the top of the chest off and Jack pushed it aside. Ellie lit up as soon as she laid eyes on it. She reached into the chest and grabbed the stone. Once her hands clasped around it, the stone began glowing. Blue light illuminated the whole room.

"It's beautiful. Ellie said.

"Yeah it is." Jack replied. "Quick, let's get out of here before--." Ellie was cut off by the sound of sirens. "Ellie, I told you we'd get caught."

Ellie thought for what seemed like an eternity, then turned to Jack and finally said,

"Jack, do you trust me?"

"Yeah, but--"

Ellie interrupted him, "Do you trust me?"

Jack looked at the police who began swarming them.

"Yes." He answered.

She grabbed his hand and they touched the stone and disappeared.

Before Jack opened his eyes he could smell the salty air and hear the crashing waves. He sat up and looked out upon the sea. Ellie walked up to him and said, "I told you that you could trust me." "Where are we?" Jack asked.

Ellie answered, "We're safe now."

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