No Rest For the Wicked

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270 reads?! I can't believe it! I apologize for the length of last chapter, but I do have good news. Due to the overwhelming success of this book, in particular the smut chapter, I have decided to create a book of One-shots. So if you have any requests, comment down below. I've also decided to add more to this, including a few more smut chapters. Thanks again and remember, comment ideas for the one-shot book down below.


I looked over at Laurel, who was asleep on my chest, and smiled. Last night had been amazing. Unfortunately, good sex burned lots of calories. My stomach growled, agreeing with my brain for the need of food. I ran my hands through Laurel's hair softly, trying to wake her up. "Laurel..." I said softly.

Laurel groaned tiredly and cracked her eyes open. Then she bolted upright. "Nyssa! You're naked!" Laurel looked down at herself. "I'm naked!"

I laughed. "That's what happens generally during sex." I grinned. "Which you are amazing at, by the way."

Laurel's face turned red. "Thanks." Her stomach growled. "You want breakfast...babe?"

I nodded. "Breakfast sounds amazing."

We got dressed, Laurel loaning me some clothes. We were surprised by the strong smell of coffee when we left Laurel's room, hand in hand. We walked to the kitchen where Thea Queen was leaning against the counter. She had dark circles under her eyes, her short hair was a mess , and she was yawning every ten seconds.

"Good morning." Laurel said happily.

Thea groaned. "Apparently, it isn't the morning that's good." She yawned.

As Laurel grabbed some eggs from the fridge, I looked at Thea. "You look tired. Late night?"

Thea glared at me angrily. Well, it was supposed to be angrily, but she was too tired. "No, I got back at a fairly decent time. Being Red Arrow isn't the problem." Thea yawned again.

"Then what's up, Speedy?" Laurel asked. "You want eggs?"

"No, I don't want eggs. And in answer to the first question..." Thea looked between Laurel and I pointedly. "You two. All. Fucking. Night. Laurel, these walls aren't even remotely close to being soundproof. And whoever's idea it was to use the canary cry..."

I pointed at Laurel. "It was her idea."

Thea leaned her head against the coffee maker. "I'll be surprised if you two don't get a noise violation. I don't think anyone in this building slept." Thea turned to me. "For an assassin, you are loud as hell. And the screaming in Arabic made you sound like a satanist or something."

The coffee finished brewing. Thea grabbed the pot and drank straight from it. "Satanists generally use Latin or sometimes Sanskrit." I informed the younger Queen sibling.

"You're missing the point." Thea glanced at Laurel. "If my brother found out that you two were banging, he'd lose his shit."

"You're not gonna tell him, are you?" Laurel asked nervously.

Thea shook her head. "Hell no. Happy Oliver, happy everyone. I don't want to be the one that pisses him off."

"Who cares if he gets upset?" I muttered. I noticed smoke coming from the pan behind Laurel. "Laurel, the eggs. The eggs!"

Laurel spun around and grabbed the pan and took it off the eye. I saw two burnt eggs disappear into the trashcan. "Maybe I'm more tired than I thought." Laurel grinned.

Thea gagged at the smell. "I'm gonna go now. Try not to burn down the building, Laurel." Thea laughed and left the apartment, leaving the door cracked.

Laurel turned to me and blushed, embarrassed. "Big Belly Burger has a new breakfast menu." 

I laughed. "Come on, Laurel. I'll pay."

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