author's note

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THis isn't part of the story, but i feel it necessary to add it here. This is going to be a thank you message and a warning.

I wanted to say thank you to some people. For Identity sake, I'll call them as how they were first introduced to me during a role play. Sam, Dinah, Laurel, Thea and Roy. You five not only encouraged me to get over my secrecy of my writing and publish things, but you have helped me in many ways. Whether it be Helping me with the plot to shouting me out to just leaving a kind comment, it's because of you, as well as my mini list of followers, that i keep writing.

now for the warning. SMUT IN CHAPTER 8. Everyone knew it was going to happen from the beginning but this is your official warning about it. I will put another notification on the chapter itself.

thank you all again and i look foward to continuing my writing.


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