Chapter 2~ Kind Gestures

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You slowly walk back to your room, face still flushed from earlier events.  You smile at fellow Cadets passing by, trying tp keep your positive image up. 

When you reach your room you grab a Survey Corps towel and sigh at the tackyness of it, walking out into the hall and into the communital bathrooms.  Stripping of your belts and clothing you take a cool shower to clear your mind and wake you more, you shiver lightly at the feeling fo the cold water falling down your warm body.

When you have finished washing up you get out and towel dry your hair, staring at your reflection in the mirror you sigh, wishing you looked like the other girls.  Quickly, you dress again and struggle with pulling your boots on, they have always been a bit too small for you and you never had said anything. Sighing, you pick them up and walk to Levi's office lovated in the other side of the mansion.  

Reaching Levi's offive you knock lightly, hearing an annoyed "come in" almost instantly.  Walking in you give a slight smile to your Corporal.

"Hello, Corporal!" you drop your boots to give a strong salute.

Levi looks up from his papers and shoots a glare your way, pinching the bridge of his nose he speaks slowly,

"Cadet, I told you to call my Levi when we are alone.  And why are you such a mess?" Levi retorts, looking you up and down

"I-I am sorry sir! I rushed here because I-I... I didn't want to keep you waiting!" you look down, feeling dissappointed in yourself. 

"Cadet, it's alright.  You didn't keep me waiting" Levi speaks in a soft, kind manor.  

You stay silent as Levi walks up to you, he grabs your wrist gently walking you to the chairs infront of his desk.  You flinch lightly at his contact, but quickly get over it.  He almost shoves you down into a chair, coming behind you he runs his fingers through your damp hair, making you shiver.

"Brat, do you not own a brush?" Levi says with a hint of a smirk in his tone

"In fact I do, Levi, but as I said I rushed over here, sir."

Levi sighs and proceeds to put your hair into a beautiful high tight bun, as soon as he is finished you gasp and walk to the mirror hanging on the wall. 

"Levi it looks beautiful! Thank you!" You turn around and smile brightly at him, your heart thumping loudly, so loudly that you are afraid he can hear it.

"Hmph." Levi grunts, walking over to his chair to finish putting papers away

You walk back over to your boots and attempt to pull them on again, successfully doing it this time.  As you are finishing pulling your boots on you feel a pair of cold hands brush your back and then a warm piece of maerial draped over you where the hands were.

"I see you forgot your cloak, shitty cadet.  It's supposed to rain so use mine, I shall get an extra one" Levi says in a monotone fashion, but you smile at his kind gesture, knowing he is hiding his emotions. 

"Thank you Levi" You pull the hood up and button the cloak around you, Levi's musky sent filling your senses as you breathe in deeply.  The sent sparked something inside you and it made Levi seem oh so sexy. Snapping out of your day dream you shake your head and rid of all the dirty thoughts coming in.

Levi walks back out with a cloak on and two sets of 3DMG in his hands, handing you a set you nod and proceed to snap them on.  You loved the feeling of using 3DMG, it made you feel so free and powerful like nothing could stop you.  

"We best get going now brat, the rain might come soon" Levi looks back at you as he speaks, walkng out the door and to the stables where our horses are already tacked up and ready. 

Staying silent you pet your horse and mount quickly, patting your horse again you cluck and gallop off, Levi directly beside you. 

You took the time to stare at his features, he was a lot older than you but he didn't look his age.  You had just turned 19 and he was 35, but looked no older than a day over 25.  You smile at his features, always having found his face intriguing and very handsome. 

"Cadet, Cadet..... CADET!" Levi yells to get your attention, you lose balance and almost fall but regain your blance quickly.

"Levi I am so sorry I was zoning out!" You blurt out quickly as Levi comes to a stop under a tree, making you realize how long you were actually staring at him. 

He doesn't reply but hops off his horse, letting her graze by a tree that he tied her too.  You do the same and as you stand you feel yourself being shoved back into the tree.  Strong hands pressed to your shoulders in an urgent manor, opening yor eyes you see Levi and go to speak but Levi's hand covers your mouth.

"Shitty brat, shut up and do as I say, got it?"


Ooooh cliffhanger!

What do you think will happen!?

So I was a day late on updating, I am so sorry guys!

I am actually starting to like this story and I have so many ideas it is wild!

I would really love some feedback on this! 

Thanks everyone xoxoxox <3

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