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This moment is the most magical moment I have ever experienced. I cannot believe I am getting to make love to the woman I have loved for so many years without her knowing. If I would have known Aria would have actually considered being with me, I would have confessed my love for her years ago.

I am lost in the way she is kissing me. Places I have never been kissed before. I can feel myself melting into her hands like slime.

After Aria and I have sex, we are laying naked intertwined in each other's bodies. I lay my head softly on her shoulder and look up into her beautiful ocean of eyes. "I love you, so much."

"I love you more, Gracey!" She replies, smiling ear to ear. This is truly the happiest I have ever been. I'm truly blessed.

"Hey, Grace-" Aria trails off. "Yes, baby?" I say back, getting worried by her tone of voice and facial expression.

"I'm pregnant" she says as I feel my stomach drop.

"Wh-what? But, h-how?" I manage to stutter out. I can feel my blood pressure rise. I am definitely in shock.

"You remember my ex don't you? The one that was at your party that was cheating on me?" She explains.

"Yes? That's the father?" I demand answers.

"Yes Grace, I was a virgin before him. He took my virginity." Aria's expression is enough to make me bubble up some tears. They fall gently down my cheek as I catch her gaze. I can tell that she's not too thrilled about it either. Aria begins to cry and she covers her face. "I don't want you to see me like this. It's embarrassing."

"Hey.. I love you, Aria. I always have, always will. I plan on spending the rest of my life with you. I will be here for you through all of it. We will raise our little sunshine together" as I say this, she looks up from her sadness and smiles. "Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Aria, of course. I will do anything for you. Can we tell everyone the news? We are going to be mommies!!" I exclaim, which definitely cheers her up. She jumps off the bed and grabs her bath robe. She throws it on and ties it around her waist. Before I know it, the door is open and she's yelling down to the living room off the top floor to Michelle and Lindsey who are laying on the couch. "Guys! Grace and I are mommies to be!"

I run over to the top balcony after I at least throw my shirt on and look down to witness Lindsey and Michelle's reaction. They jump off the couch and fly up the stairs, grabbing Aria and I in hugs and yelps.

"Wait, how? Did you guys get a sperm donor without telling us?" Lindsey says curiously.

I look over at Aria and she smiles and raises her eyebrow to me.

"We did! We wanted it to be a surprise!" She says without informing me that we weren't telling everyone the truth. I decide to smile and go along with it.

After hours of baby talk and definitely too much pinning baby stuff on Pinterest, Aria and I decide to go to bed. Am I ready to be a Mom? I love Aria and that's all that matters at the moment.

*** 17 days later ***

"Grace! Grace! Aria!" I hear Lindsey yelling from downstairs.

I open my eyes and I try to rush, but I can't help but look at the little beauty attached to my arm. She is so damn cute when she sleeps. I lean over and kiss her cheek and throw some clothes on.

"Lindsey? Hey, we don't want breakfast yet. Aria is still asleep. Than-" I'm interrupted by Lindsey.

"MICHELLE IS MISSING!" she yells to the top floor at me. I don't know what to do. I feel like my whole body is stiff. I cannot breathe. Everything fades to black. What? What the hell happened?

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