Chapter 29- Give Me Therapy, I'm A Walking Travesty

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After everyone's soundcheck, fans are let in and start piling in behind Tay and I. I didn't exspect so many people, expecially boys. There are so many of them. But mainly the overly annoying girls.

After about ten minutes, Of Mice And Men takes over the stage. "What the fuck is up Oregon?" Austin screams into the microphone, directly in front of me. He looks down and winks at me, making me chuckle. A few girls slowly start to recognize that i'm Kellin's girlfriend and freak out.

It didn't surprise me, and most of them were pretty sweet. "This first song is one of my personal favorites, and I want all of you to scream the words if you know them." The chords of Let Live start up and I scream.

"I was all for you, you fell over my love. I just can't afford it this time." Aaron sings and I scream the words.

"Come on, jump!" I do as Austin commands, jumping around to the beat. A pit forms a few feet behind me, but I just ignore the people and look up to Alan playing the guitar right in front of Tay.

"I want to see a pit during this next song, go!" Many people crowd surf and hit me in the back of the hit, but I honestly don't care. Bones Exposed plays and in the middle of the song, Austin makes the drum beat keep rolling. "When the music hits, I want you all to jump up, so sit on the floor!" I sit next to Tay who smiles at me.

"Leaving bones exposed!" The whole crowd screams, and we all jump up and continue moshing. I scream the lyrics and feel the adrenaline pumping through my body.

After two more songs I decide that I want to go crowd surfing so I head back a bit and ask some guys around me to pick me up. They simply understand what I want and pick me up, sending me straight back to the stage. I connect hands with Austin, re-living the old concert of their's that I went to the night Liam died.

Austin knows what i'm thinking, but still screams the words in my face. I look down to see Tay help holding me up and a security guard grabs me. I show him my lanyard and hop back over the barrier, not exactly caring if it wasn't aloud.

After Of Mice and Men's set, I spot the one and only Adam Elmakias snapping pictures a little ways down from the middle of the barrier/stage. "Adam!" He looks over and walks towards me, smiling. "You are my absolute favorite photographer." I gush.

"Well thanks! You're Kellin's girlfriend right? Maria?" I nod my head and he shakes my hand. "Well nice to meet you. Could I get a picture of you and your friend?" He gestures to Tay.

"That's Tay,  and sure."  Tay and I hold up the rock sign, sticking out our tongues as kids behind us join into the picture.

"Great! Thanks guys." I give him a small wave before he walks away. I realize that Pierce The Veil is up next and get really excited.

Vic walks onto the stage and starts the beginning of his set with a surprise. Not everyone knows that Kellin's here, which means that they are probably going to do King For A Day together. "I would like to have my good friend Kellin join me on stage for this one. Come on Kell!"

Kellin appears on stage, microphone in hand and heads over to stand in front of me. Vic starts off the song, and Kellin grabs my hand, singing to me. I smile at him, and he winks. "The thought of you is no fucking fun. You want a martyr, i'll be one. Because enough's enough, we're done!" The song goes on, and i sing every word.

After a couple of songs, Pierce The Veil does one of their older songs, Stay Away From My Friends. I'm not even going to lie, because i cried while singing along to this song. It has so much meaning to me and I can't believe that i am lucky enough to be meeting all of these amazing people and being able to sing with them completely over does the overwhelming feeling.

Perfectly Imperfect | Kellin Quinn (discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin