Chapter 13

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Hermione POV

I sit against the wall and gaze at the bracelet on my wrist. A charm bracelet with a lion clutching a heart between its paws. I can remember Ron giving it to me at the beginning of summer. I am tempted to tear it off and crush it under my foot, but I know that I would regret it. So, I gently unhook the chain and stuff it into my bag. Sighing, I stand slowly, and twist my back so it pops out the strain I placed on it. I wipe my face and sling my bag over my shoulders. A young Hufflepuff girl races past me, holding three large books, and I smile. "First year, has to be!" I think to myself. "Adorable, too." She stops at the end of the corridor and turns back around. Her hair is tied in two long braids and wears large, round glasses. "Do you happen to know where the Hospital Wing is?" She asks shyly. I grin and reply,"Take the first left at the end of the hall, and then a right after you cross the courtyard." She smiles gratefully, and waves. "Thank you! I'm Jemma by the way!" She calls and I nod, waving back. "Hermione!" Jemma smiles and says goodbye, running away. I laugh and turn back around, but am instantly shocked. "Hermione..." a soft voice says. I close my eyes and maneuver around him. "Hermione look..." He trails off. "Draco, I don't want to talk right now okay?" I open my eyes then, and he has a sympathetic look on his face. "But I-" he starts, yet I hold up my hand, stopping him. "Why won't anyone just let me walk to my dorms in silence!" I yell and instantly regret it. His eyes look wounded and he steps back. "I'm sorry I'm such an inconvenience..." The guilt flows through me. I reach out and grab his hand before he can turn away. "No, I'm sorry, Draco. I'm just not having the best day right now." He is staring at our hands. They are gently locked together, like we are barely touching. He closes his eyes, saying," What Pansy did and said to you... I'm sorry.... it was all my fault.. I can barely stand the guilt of hurting you." I shake my head furiously,"Don't blame yourself. She acted on her own emotions....." I trial off. His face is contorted with guilt...or a pain I couldn't pinpoint. I sigh and try to turn away then, but his hand flicks up onto my cheek to make me look into his eyes. They are an ice blue, and I could feel the chill just seeing them. He clutches my hand in a firmer grip. "Draco, I-" but am cut off by his lips pressing against mine. I am shocked, and my eyes stay open for a few seconds, but I eventually melt into the kiss. He is soft, the hand on my cheek as soft as silk, touching me as if I were a china doll. Unlike Ron, he is gentle- loving. It feels like hours standing there with him. A painting yells at us and we jump apart. I am blushing furiously and Draco I fumbling his hands. The painting starts laughing and I do too, along with Draco. "You too lovebirds are cute," the painting says and I blush an even deeper pink. Draco chuckles and nods to the painting, then leans in to kiss my cheek. "Goodnight, Hermione," and he winks, stalking off. I stutter and call back," Goodnight, Draco." My feet have a hard time walking to the Common Room. The wanting of being alone has vanished, replaced by Draco's soft touch and reassuring smile. Nearly bumping into the Fat Lady, I say the password and step into the warmth if the room. A fire crackles and a few students sit by the fire, studying. I feel amazing, butterflies in my stomach, even though Draco isn't beside me. I look around and my expression darkens. In the corner, I can see the outline of Ron's figure along with the slender form of a witch I couldn't recognize. They seemed to be having a wonderful time, and at that moment, I realized I didn't care. Confidently, I walk up the spiral stairs and disappear into my room. Dreaming about "him" all night long.

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