Chapter 3

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Hermione POV

Ginny and I quickly arrive at the compartment with an aura of excitement.

Real excitement this time. I can't wait to see my boys again.

She throws open the compartment door and I am greeted with shouts of "HERMIONE YOU'RE HERE!" and "IVE MISSED YOU!" coming from all directions.

I let Harry hug me first, knowing that Ron will want a longer hug.

We move past the greetings and welcomes quickly before Harry start telling me the little things about the two weeks when I was away.

After Harry's finished we separate ourselves into our couples for some one-on-one time.
Ginny cuddles up against him like the adorable girlfriend she is. I glance up at Ron, and he is all smiles.
" 'Mione, I've missed you so much," he whispers and pulls me close. I bury my head into his chest and nod.

I look over and Harry has his mouth open to say something, but is interrupted by a soft snicker from the other side of the compartment door. All of our heads snap to the door where Draco Malfoy stands. He's now leaning against the door, waiting patiently with a smirk on his face.

Harry and I give each other a bewildered look and there is a long silence before Ginny finally decides to slide the door open.

"Um..... Hello," he says awkwardly, his feign of confidence gone.

An even longer silence follows. "

Malfoy, not to be excessively rude or anything, but what are you doing here?" Harry says, annoyed by the interruption. Ginny places a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Harry, Ginny, and Ron all give Malfoy a slightly irritated look, and he raises his hands in surrender.

"Woah there mates, just had to give something to Granger here."

Ron nudges me. I give Malfoy and very confused expression, and he only laughs while handing me a book titled "The History of the Dark War."

I stare at it blankly. We are all silent until Ron clears his throat to speak.

"What is this?" he asks Malfoy, suspicious about his intentions. Malfoy is now the one to give us a bewildered expression.

"Isn't it Granger's? I found it outside the door as I was walking to my compartment. I only assumed that she would be the one who would've carried it with her," he admits.

I shake my head,"No, it isn't mine. All of my books are with my luggage." I hold it out to him, but Malfoy doesn't reach out to take it.

"I suppose you can keep it then. There isn't a name and I certainly do not want a book with that title," he says flatly. Malfoy gives us all a solemn look before he backs out the door. I stuff my new possession into my bag, leaning my head comfortably on Ron's shoulder the rest of the way to Hogwarts.

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