PROLOGE > The Battle of New York

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                BOE CASSIDY HAD NO IDEA WHERE SHE WAS. Hours ago she was just as confused, standing in the rubble of what used to be New York, calling for her parents. Her throat had felt like a cats claws were running down her esophagus calling for her parents.

   When the first responders found a seven year old girl with cuts and bruises calling for her mother and father they were heartbroken. When a man went to her she ran not knowing what was happening. Wanting to keep her from hurting herself the first responder took a hold from her arm. She squirmed and screeched and pounded her tiny fist into his chest.

     At the same time a bald woman was walking the disintegrated streets of New York surveying the damage. She had originally come to New York to investigate the damage done to the secret sanctum. She felt a pang of guilt seeing the destruction of the city. The woman called the sorcerer supreme knew that she could not intervene with the physical threats when she was supposed to protect the spiritual realm of earth.

  That's when the sorcerer supreme heard the wails of a young child piercing through the eerie silence. When she rounded the corner the sight that she saw astounded her. The source to the piercing screeching was only a young child. She was covered in debris but you could still see patches of Carmel skin. The girls slightly curly brown hair was tangled as her fist pounded the fireman's chest. The sorcerer could see from only mear feet away that here eyes screamed determination yet fear at the same time.

  The century old sorcerer could see the potential wielded within the young girl and, if she started training her now, could accomplish great feats using magic.

  Within the two minutes that she pondered over her decision and had finally come to a conclusion.

Approaching the little girl with long sturdy strides, The Ancient One crouched down to be at the same level as the little doe eyed girl. The girl stoped pounding on the first responder and pivoted her head to look at the odd looking bald lady. The brunette was confused at first as to why a robe clad woman was in front of her and such a deviating hour.

Didn't she have a family? A husband or children? How come she didn't have a speck of dust on her? Why did she have such a weird necklace on? Who was she?

"Hello little one." The ancient one cooed, not wanting to scare the child off. "Where are your parents?"

The little girl sniffled remembering what had happened to her parents. She could vividly remember how the monster came to the three of them on the street. Her mother had led the little girl to an alley while her father fought and eventually loss to the alien. Her mother then proceeded to practically drag their daughter to the end of the alley and hid her behind a trash bin. The chiritary soldier had followed them and eventually slicing the mothers chest open and left. The daughter would never forget the splatter of blood against the alleyway wall.

"T-they got them. The aliens. They w-were trying to protect me." She said in a small voice barely above a whisper. "It's all my fault, if I wasn't there then they could have left and have been safe." She sobbed.

    The old sorcerer felt a pang in her heart for the young girl. She does not deserve the burden already placed on her tiny shoulders. The Ancient One felt sympathy for the young girl and took pity on her. Looking at the young girl she had already made up her mind.

  "What's your name, child?" She quizzed.

    The little girl hesitated at first wondering if she should tell the oddly dressed bald woman her name. Her instincts screamed no but their shouts laid upon deaf ears.

   "Boe Cassidy, and Boe as in bow and arrow not like the kind you put in your hair. I hate those, they make your head itchy and mess up your hair. Hey speaking of hair, why don't you have any?" Boe rambled. This seemed to be a problem for the child but she did not see this at the time.

     The sorcerer let out a hearty chuckle. She watched amused as the once shy child named Boe opened up so easily in a short amount of time.

" That my dear is something that will soon be revealed" she said. "Do you have any other family members?"

At that Boe tilted her head in thought

" well my uncle got sick and died. He had cancer and got bald just like you! Do you have cancer? Is that why your bald?" The girl thought out loud.

The Ancient One said, " I have an offer. You can come and stay with me but in return you will have to become a master of the mystic arts."

Boes big brown eyes widened. She had never heard of mystic arts before. But she considered her options. She could say not and get stuck in an orphanage and never get chosen to go into a family or she could say yes and get free food, clothes, and shelter. The whole "master of the mystic arts" seemed questionable but she decided that she had nothing to lose.

"Okay I'll go with you but you won't shave my head to, right?" She asked, letting curiosity get the best of her.

The old sorcerer smiled. " and why would we do that to such pretty hair?" She said and Boe smiled and let a little color fill her caramel cheeks.

The Ancient One stood up and made a portal using her sling ring as the young girl stood amazed, fascinated with the sparks. "Take my hand little one" she said as she reached out her hand. A warm little hand placed itself inside of her hand and the two women started walking through the portal. " You may call me Ancient One, Boe"

As they disappeared inside of the portal you could hear Boe exclaiming, "What kind on name is that?"


Everyone who saw infinity war and got emotionally scared raise your hand

Everyone who saw infinity war and got emotionally scared raise your hand

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So I've watched it four times now and have nothing better to do sooo... ta da?
Also I will not have exact lines from the move cause I don't have a photographic memory -_('-')_-

Sorceress (AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora