Please notice me!

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Len just there taking notes. I tried to get his attention a bunch of times, but he fails to notice me. I dropped my eraser, asked for a pen, I even faked sneeze so he could say something, but he didnt! This boy is impossible to work with. I turned my face to look out the window. Birds flew by the glass, I listened to there chatter.

"Ms. Hatsune!" shouted my teacher. I snapped my head to face her. "You can day dream some other time, now focus." She turned her back to me and continued to wright on the board. I looked over to Len. He was still taking his notes. Damn. I got called on in front of everyone and he can't even say anything to me. Man, I sound desperate but I at least what him to notice that Im a air head or something. The bell rung. Class was over.

I started to pack up my stuff in my backpack, hands slammed on my desk. I looked up and saw Len.

"Miku, you need to focus more in class." he said.

"Oh ok, I sure will." I said starting to feel hot.

"Good, now I can learn without interruptions." He calmly said as he left.

Rin came up to me. "What did he say?"

"How I should focus so I wont interrupt his learning." I said in a harsh tone. Len pissed me off when he said that.

"That's Len for you." Rin shrugged. "Miku dont let Len act like hes a mister know it all. He really is more stupid than you."

"Oh ok, thanks Rin." I paused. "Wait Im not stupid!" I said as I ran after her.

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